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Created May 19, 2023 17:07
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ReproZip wrapper script for mysql+apache2
if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then echo "This script needs to run as root so that it can execute MySQL" >&2; exit 1; fi
# Start MySQL (in the background)
runuser -u mysql -- /usr/sbin/mysqld --pid-file=/run/mysqld/ &
sleep 5
# Need to set this to avoid apachectl talking to systemd
# Start Apache (in the background)
apachectl start
# Don't exit the whole script on Ctrl+C, do the graceful shutdown
trap ' ' INT
# Wait until we are done interacting with the site (user presses Ctrl+C)
sleep infinity
trap - INT
# Graceful shutdown
apachectl stop
/usr/bin/mysqladmin shutdown
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