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Last active May 2, 2024 05:23
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@use 'sass:math'
$darken-value: 5%
$darkest-value: 10%
$lighten-value: 5%
$lightest-value: 10%
$primary: #1684c3
$secondary: #443731
$tertiary: #ffe600
$color-names: primary, secondary, tertiary
$color-codes: $primary, $secondary, $tertiary
$dark-text-default: #000 !default
$light-text-default: #fff !default
// Calculate brightness of a given color.
@function brightness($color)
@return math.div((red($color) * 0.299) + (green($color) * 0.587) + (blue($color) * 0.114), 255)
// Compares contrast of a given color to the light/dark arguments and returns whichever is most "contrasty"
@function color-contrast($color, $dark: $dark-text-default, $light: $light-text-default)
@if $color == null
@return null
$color-brightness: brightness($color)
$light-text-brightness: brightness($light)
$dark-text-brightness: brightness($dark)
@return if(abs($color-brightness - $light-text-brightness) > abs($color-brightness - $dark-text-brightness), $light, $dark)
@for $i from 1 through length($color-names)
--#{nth($color-names, $i)}: nth($color-codes, $i)
--#{nth($color-names, $i)}--darken: darken(nth($color-codes, $i), $darken-value)
--#{nth($color-names, $i)}--darkest: darken(nth($color-codes, $i), $darkest-value)
--#{nth($color-names, $i)}--lighten: lighten(nth($color-codes, $i), $lighten-value)
--#{nth($color-names, $i)}--lightest: lighten(nth($color-codes, $i), $lightest-value)
@for $i from 1 through length($color-names)
.btn-#{nth($color-names, $i)}
background: nth($color-codes, $i)
color: color-contrast(nth($color-codes, $i))
.bg-#{nth($color-names, $i)}
background: nth($color-codes, $i)
.bg-text-#{nth($color-names, $i)}
background: nth($color-codes, $i)
color: color-contrast(nth($color-codes, $i))
.text-#{nth($color-names, $i)}
color: nth($color-codes, $i)
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