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Created April 27, 2020 22:51
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The program that converts the black and white image to the album art
import cv2, numpy, PIL.Image, PIL.ImageDraw, PIL.ImageFont, sys
verticalLines = int(sys.argv[-1])
lineIntesity = int(sys.argv[-2])
margin = 205
finalResolution = [1200 + 5, 1000 + margin]
lineWidth = 5
colors = ['#303030', '#ffffff'] #background and foreground
positionPercentagesFinalFinal = [0.66, 0.82] #[center of where finalImg will be pasted (1+ is higher 1- is lower 1 is dead center), percentage of height from top for the text]
bottomText = ['Q U A R A N T I N E'] #title
img = cv2.imread('./black-and-white.png', cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
bwShape = [img.shape[1], img.shape[0]] #black and white image shape
finalImg ='RGBA', finalResolution, colors[0])
finalImageDraw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(finalImg)
minMax = cv2.minMaxLoc(img)
minimumPixelValue = minMax[0]
maximumPixelValue = minMax[1]
for yPixel in range(verticalLines):
lastPosition = [0, int(finalResolution[0] // verticalLines) * yPixel]
lastPositionIntensity = lastPosition[1]
for xPixel in range(bwShape[0]):
color = int(img[int(yPixel * (bwShape[1] / verticalLines)), xPixel])
distFromMin = abs(minimumPixelValue - color)
rangeTotal = maximumPixelValue - minimumPixelValue
intensity = int(distFromMin / rangeTotal * lineIntesity)
currentPosition = [int((xPixel / bwShape[0]) * finalResolution[0]), lastPosition[1]]
finalImageDraw.line([lastPosition[0], lastPositionIntensity, currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1] - intensity + int(margin / 2)], fill = colors[1], width = lineWidth)
lastPositionIntensity = currentPosition[1] - intensity + int(margin / 2) #forgot why this is needed but if i remove it the thing breaks so whatever
lastPosition = currentPosition
finalImg = finalImg.crop([5, 0, finalImg.width, finalImg.height]) #crop the leftmost 5 pixels to get rid of the white line (yes thats my best solution :/)
finalFinalImg ='RGBA', [int(finalResolution[0] * 1.5), int(finalResolution[1] * 1.5)], colors[0])
finalFinalImg.paste(finalImg, [int((finalFinalImg.width - finalImg.width) / 2), int(((finalFinalImg.height - finalImg.height) / 2) * positionPercentagesFinalFinal[0])])
finalFinalImageDraw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(finalFinalImg)
font1 = PIL.ImageFont.truetype('./noto-mono-regular.ttf', int(finalResolution[1] / 10))
fontSizeLine1 = finalFinalImageDraw.textsize(bottomText[0], font = font1)
finalFinalImageDraw.text([int((finalFinalImg.width - fontSizeLine1[0]) / 2), int(finalFinalImg.height * positionPercentagesFinalFinal[1])], bottomText[0], colors[1], font = font1)'output.png')
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