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Rendra rendrap

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tykurtz /
Last active March 13, 2025 20:20
Grokking the coding interview equivalent leetcode problems


I liked the way Grokking the coding interview organized problems into learnable patterns. However, the course is expensive and the majority of the time the problems are copy-pasted from leetcode. As the explanations on leetcode are usually just as good, the course really boils down to being a glorified curated list of leetcode problems.

So below I made a list of leetcode problems that are as close to grokking problems as possible.

Pattern: Sliding Window

pbaity / dark-mode-toggle.js
Last active June 16, 2022 03:25 — forked from chall8908/dark-mode-toggle.js
Rocket.Chat Dark Mode
// Toggleable dark mode for those of us that care about that kind of thing.
const darkModeSymbol = `<svg id="icon-darkmode" viewBox="0 0 468 468" fill="currentColor">
<path d="m428.75601,300.104c-0.664,-3.81 -2.33401,-7.047 -4.996,-9.71301c-5.89999,-5.90298 -12.75201,-7.142 -20.55399,-3.716c-20.93701,9.70801 -42.64102,14.55801 -65.09702,14.55801c-28.17099,0 -54.15201,-6.94 -77.94299,-20.83801c-23.791,-13.89398 -42.63101,-32.73599 -56.52501,-56.52998c-13.899,-23.793 -20.84399,-49.77299 -20.84399,-77.94499c0,-21.88802 4.33299,-42.68301 12.991,-62.384c8.66,-19.7 21.17599,-36.973 37.543,-51.82c6.283,-5.898 7.713,-12.752 4.287,-20.557c-3.23601,-7.801 -9.041,-11.511 -17.41501,-11.132c-29.12099,1.141 -56.71999,7.664 -82.797,19.556c-26.076,11.89499 -48.48901,27.54699 -67.23801,46.96499c-18.747,19.414 -33.595,42.39899 -44.54,68.94999c-10.942,26.55301 -16.416,54.39 -16.416,83.51102c0,29.694 5.806,58.05399 17.416,85.082c11.613,27.02798 27.218,50.34399 46.824,69.94897c19.604,19.599 42.92,35.207 69.951,46.82202c27.028,1
rawaludin /
Last active September 21, 2019 02:10

Dependency Stack

The following table is a list of the major dependencies we use along with their purpose and links to supplemental documentation.

Dependency Purpose Docs
NextJS Official Docs
Another Name Parser Break up a concatenated name into pieces Official Docs
CASL Restricting access to features based on permissions Official Docs
mohsenkhanpour /
Last active November 30, 2024 10:53
WSL Installation

Installing the distro:

Make Windows ready:

Open PowerShell as Administrator and run:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

Restart your computer when prompted.

Install distro:

jeromecoupe / webstoemp-gulpfile.js
Last active March 13, 2025 03:37
Gulp 4 sample gulpfile.js. For a full explanation, have a look at
"use strict";
// Load plugins
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const browsersync = require("browser-sync").create();
const cp = require("child_process");
const cssnano = require("cssnano");
const del = require("del");
const eslint = require("gulp-eslint");
const gulp = require("gulp");

I bundled these up into groups and wrote some thoughts about why I ask them!

If these helped you, I'd love to hear about it!! I'm on twitter @vcarl_ or send me an email [email protected]

Onboarding and the workplace

  • How long will it take to deploy my first change? To become productive? To understand the codebase?
  • What kind of equipment will I be provided? Will the company pay/reimburse me if I want something specific?
anschaef / bootstrap-4-sass-mixins-cheat-sheet.scss
Last active April 12, 2024 08:49
Bootstrap 4 Sass Mixins [Cheat sheet with examples]
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// All Bootstrap 4 Sass Mixins [Cheat sheet]
// Updated to Bootstrap v4.5.x
// @author
// @see
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// ########################################################################## */
// New cheat sheet for Bootstrap 5:

Advanced JavaScript Learning Resources

This is a list of advanced JavaScript learning resources from people who responded to this [Tweet][13] and this [Tweet][20].

  • [You Don't Know JS][3]

  • [Frontend Masters courses by Kyle Simpson][12]

  • [@mpjme][6]'s [YouTube videos][5]

bhank / git_checkout.lua
Last active March 16, 2023 23:09 — forked from sweiss3/git_checkout.lua
A clink script for supporting tab-completion of git branches when using "git checkout"
-- Ctrl-Q in conemu to reload Clink Lua scripts
-- Clink match generators:
-- Strings:
-- Patterns:
-- Escaping:
-- local:
-- git commands which will autocomplete branch names after them:
local git_commands = {"checkout", "co", "merge", "branch -d", "branch -D"}
Phlow / nested-for-loop.liquid
Created January 6, 2017 20:08
This is a nested liquid loop for Jekyll to iterate through YAML data with a depth of three levels. The example loops through a potential table of contents of a book.
{% comment %}
# This is a nested liquid loop for Jekyll to iterate through YAML data with
# a depth of three levels. The example loops through a potential table of
# contents of a book.
# This is the example YAML content'
- chapters: 'Einführung'