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# -*- mode: gitignore; -*- | |
## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files: | |
*.aux | |
*.lof | |
*.log | |
*.lot | |
*.fls | |
*.out | |
*.toc | |
*.fmt | |
*.fot | |
*.cb | |
*.cb2 | |
.*.lb | |
## Intermediate documents: | |
*.dvi | |
*.xdv | |
*-converted-to.* | |
# these rules might exclude image files for figures etc. | |
# *.ps | |
# *.eps | |
## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:" | |
## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber): | |
*.bbl | |
*.bcf | |
*.blg | |
*-blx.aux | |
*-blx.bib | |
*.run.xml | |
## Build tool auxiliary files: | |
*.fdb_latexmk | |
*.synctex | |
*.synctex(busy) | |
*.synctex.gz | |
*.synctex.gz(busy) | |
*.pdfsync | |
## Build tool directories for auxiliary files | |
# latexrun | |
latex.out/ | |
## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages: | |
# algorithms | |
*.alg | |
*.loa | |
# achemso | |
acs-*.bib | |
# amsthm | |
*.thm | |
# beamer | |
*.nav | |
*.pre | |
*.snm | |
*.vrb | |
# changes | |
*.soc | |
# comment | |
*.cut | |
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*.cpt | |
# elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals) | |
*.spl | |
# endnotes | |
*.ent | |
# fixme | |
*.lox | |
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*.mf | |
*.mp | |
*.t[1-9] | |
*.t[1-9][0-9] | |
*.tfm | |
#(r)(e)ledmac/(r)(e)ledpar | |
*.end | |
*.?end | |
*.[1-9] | |
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*.[1-9][0-9][0-9] | |
*.[1-9]R | |
*.[1-9][0-9]R | |
*.[1-9][0-9][0-9]R | |
*.eledsec[1-9] | |
*.eledsec[1-9]R | |
*.eledsec[1-9][0-9] | |
*.eledsec[1-9][0-9]R | |
*.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9] | |
*.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9]R | |
# glossaries | |
*.acn | |
*.acr | |
*.glg | |
*.glo | |
*.gls | |
*.glsdefs | |
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*-gnuplottex-* | |
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*.gaux | |
*.gtex | |
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*.4ct | |
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*.lg | |
*.trc | |
*.xref | |
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*.brf | |
# knitr | |
*-concordance.tex | |
# TODO Comment the next line if you want to keep your tikz graphics files | |
*.tikz | |
*-tikzDictionary | |
# listings | |
*.lol | |
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*.idx | |
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*.ind | |
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*.stc[0-9]* | |
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_minted* | |
*.pyg | |
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*.mw | |
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*.nlg | |
*.nlo | |
*.nls | |
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*.pax | |
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*.pdfpc | |
# sagetex | |
*.sagetex.sage | |
* | |
*.sagetex.scmd | |
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*.wrt | |
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*.sout | |
*.sympy | |
sympy-plots-for-*.tex/ | |
# pdfcomment | |
*.upa | |
*.upb | |
# pythontex | |
*.pytxcode | |
pythontex-files-*/ | |
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*.listing | |
# thmtools | |
*.loe | |
# TikZ & PGF | |
*.dpth | |
*.md5 | |
*.auxlock | |
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*.tdo | |
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*.hst | |
*.ver | |
# easy-todo | |
*.lod | |
# xcolor | |
*.xcp | |
# xmpincl | |
*.xmpi | |
# xindy | |
*.xdy | |
# xypic precompiled matrices | |
*.xyc | |
# endfloat | |
*.ttt | |
*.fff | |
# Latexian | |
TSWLatexianTemp* | |
## Editors: | |
# WinEdt | |
*.bak | |
*.sav | |
# Texpad | |
.texpadtmp | |
# LyX | |
*.lyx~ | |
# Kile | |
*.backup | |
# KBibTeX | |
*~[0-9]* | |
# auto folder when using emacs and auctex | |
./auto/* | |
*.el | |
# expex forward references with \gathertags | |
*-tags.tex | |
# standalone packages | |
*.sta | |
#Emacs | |
*~ | |
\#*\# | |
/.emacs.desktop | |
/.emacs.desktop.lock | |
*.elc | |
auto-save-list | |
tramp | |
.\#* | |
# Org-mode | |
.org-id-locations | |
*_archive | |
# flymake-mode | |
*_flymake.* | |
# eshell files | |
/eshell/history | |
/eshell/lastdir | |
# elpa packages | |
/elpa/ | |
# reftex files | |
*.rel | |
# AUCTeX auto folder | |
/auto/ | |
# cask packages | |
.cask/ | |
dist/ | |
# Flycheck | |
flycheck_*.el | |
# server auth directory | |
/server/ | |
# projectiles files | |
.projectile | |
# directory configuration | |
.dir-locals.el | |
# network security | |
/ | |
#Jupyter checkpoints | |
.ipynb_checkpoints | |
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