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#!/bin/sh | |
# joomlaupdate | |
# Updates your Joomla 2.5/3.1 website to the latest version. | |
# | |
# Usage: joomlaupdate [-s] [-b] [-h] [-l] | |
# | |
# Default action is verbose on, no backup. | |
# -s Silent. Do not display any informational messages. | |
# -b Backup. Create a backup before updating. | |
# -l Log. Write messages to logile /var/log/joomlaupdate.log. | |
# -h Help. Display this info. | |
# Run joomlaupdate at the root of your website, where the configuration.php is. | |
# | |
# Copyright 2013 Rene Kreijveld - [email protected] | |
# | |
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it. | |
# | |
# Necessary tools for this script: wget, unzip, tar and perl. Install these if they are not available. | |
# | |
# Version history | |
# 1.0: - Initial version. | |
# 1.1: - Added support for Joomla 3.0 and 3.1. | |
# - Better logging, added -l parameter. | |
# - Clode cleanup. | |
# 1.2: - Added backup path (suggestion by Remco Janssen). | |
# 1.3: - Removed support for Joomla 3.0. | |
# - Fixed bug of not all SQL updates being run (thanks Xavier Pallicer). | |
# 1.4: - Added updating of #__schemas table. This was missing (thanks Xavier Pallicer). | |
# 1.5: - Added updating of #__extensions table. This was missing (thanks Xavier Pallicer). | |
# | |
# general variables | |
version=1.5 | |
logfile=/var/log/joomlaupdate.log | |
backuppath=../ | |
# find mysql socket | |
if [ -S /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ]; then | |
mysock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock | |
elif [ -S /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock ]; then | |
mysock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock | |
elif [ -S /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock ]; then | |
mysock=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql.sock | |
elif [ -S /tmp/mysql.sock ]; then | |
mysock=/tmp/mysql.sock | |
fi | |
# display usage information | |
usage() { | |
echo "joomlaupdate version $version, written by Rene Kreijveld." | |
echo " " | |
echo "Usage: joomlaupdate [-s] [-b] [-l] [-h]" | |
echo " " | |
echo "Default action is verbose on, no backup." | |
echo "-s Silent. Do not display any informational messages." | |
echo "-b Backup. Create a backup before updating." | |
echo "-l Log. Write messages to logile /var/log/joomlaupdate.log." | |
echo "-h Help. Display this info." | |
echo " " | |
echo "Run joomlaupdate at the root of your website, where the configuration.php is." | |
echo " " | |
exit 0 | |
} | |
# process the arguments | |
while getopts sblh opt | |
do | |
case "$opt" in | |
s) silent="yes";; | |
b) backup="yes";; | |
l) logging="yes";; | |
h) usage;; | |
\?) usage;; | |
esac | |
done | |
# echo out messages to screen and/or logfile | |
eout() { | |
mesg=$1 | |
stdout=$2 | |
# if logfile doesn't exist, create it first | |
if [ ! -f "$logfile" ]; then | |
touch $logfile | |
fi | |
# if not silent display message | |
if [ "$silent" != "yes" ]; then | |
if [ ! -z "$stdout" ]; then | |
echo "$mesg" | |
fi | |
fi | |
# if logging enabled message to logfile | |
if [ "$logging" == "yes" ]; then | |
echo "$mesg" >> $logfile | |
fi | |
} | |
# grab information from Joomla 2.5/3.1 configuration. | |
do_joomla2531() { | |
sitename=`grep '$sitename =' configuration.php | cut -d \' -f 2 | sed 's/ /_/g'` | |
versr=`grep '$RELEASE' libraries/cms/version/version.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
versd=`grep '$DEV_LEVEL' libraries/cms/version/version.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
verss=`grep '$DEV_STATUS' libraries/cms/version/version.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
database=`grep '$db =' configuration.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
dbuser=`grep '$user =' configuration.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
password=`grep '$password =' configuration.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
host=`grep '$host =' configuration.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
prefix=`grep '$dbprefix =' configuration.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
} | |
# cleanup all temporary files | |
do_cleanup() { | |
if [ -f list1.xml ]; then | |
rm -f list1.xml | |
fi | |
if [ -f list2.xml ]; then | |
rm -f list2.xml | |
fi | |
if [ -f update.zip ]; then | |
rm -f update.zip | |
fi | |
if [ -f tmp/sqlupdate.sql ]; then | |
rm -f tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
fi | |
if [ -f $backuppath$database.sql ]; then | |
rm -f $backuppath$database.sql | |
fi | |
if [ -f joomla.xml ]; then | |
rm -f joomla.xml | |
fi | |
} | |
# create a full backup of the joomla website | |
do_backup() { | |
# dump the database to a .sql file | |
eout "Backup requested." 1 | |
eout "Creating database backup." 1 | |
# check if sql dumpfile already exists | |
if [ -f $backuppath$database.sql ]; then | |
eout "Database backup file $backuppath$database.sql already exists. Exiting." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# create mysqldump | |
if mysqldump --skip-opt --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options --disable-keys --lock-tables --quick --set-charset --host=$host --user=$dbuser --password=$password --socket=$mysock $database > $backuppath$database.sql; then | |
eout "$backuppath$database.sql created." 1 | |
else | |
eout "Error creating database dump, exiting." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# check if tgz backupfile doesn't already exist | |
if [ -f $backuppath$sitename.tgz ]; then | |
eout "Backup file $backuppath$sitename already exists. Exiting." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# create the .tgz backup | |
eout "Creating files backup." 1 | |
tar czf $backuppath$sitename.tgz .htaccess * | |
eout "Your website backup is ready in $backuppath$sitename.tgz." 1 | |
eout " " 1 | |
} | |
get_joomla_info() { | |
# Grab owner and group of current configuration.php | |
owner=`ls -l configuration.php | awk '{print$3}'` | |
group=`ls -l configuration.php | awk '{print$4}'` | |
# Testing for Joomla version 2.5 or 3.1 | |
if [ -f libraries/cms/version/version.php ]; then | |
release=`grep '$RELEASE' libraries/cms/version/version.php | cut -d \' -f 2` | |
if [ "$release" == "2.5" ]; then | |
# grab information about this 2.5 website | |
do_joomla2531 | |
fi | |
if [ "$release" == "3.1" ]; then | |
# grab information about this 3.1 website | |
do_joomla2531 | |
fi | |
fi | |
} | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
if [ "$logging" == "yes" ]; then | |
eout " " | |
eout "$datestamp: Start joomlaupdate." | |
fi | |
eout "joomlaupdate version $version, written by Rene Kreijveld." 1 | |
eout " " 1 | |
# if configuration.php present then proceed | |
if [ -f configuration.php ]; then | |
# display information about current website | |
get_joomla_info | |
eout "This Joomla! website:" 1 | |
eout "Sitename : $sitename" 1 | |
eout "Version : $versr.$versd" 1 | |
eout "DB Name : $database" 1 | |
eout "DB User : $dbuser" 1 | |
eout "DB Password : $password" 1 | |
eout "DB Host : $host" 1 | |
eout "DB Prefix : $prefix" 1 | |
eout "Path : `pwd`" 1 | |
eout "Owner : $owner" 1 | |
eout "Group : $group" 1 | |
eout " " 1 | |
# store old development version | |
oldversd=$versd | |
oldversfull="$versr.$versd" | |
# get update list from joomla.org | |
updatelist=`grep "<server" -m 1 administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml | awk -F"<server type=\"collection\">" '{print$2}' | awk -F"</server>" '{print$1}'` | |
wget $updatelist -q -O list1.xml >/dev/null 2>/dev/null | |
updatelist="unknown" | |
# grab information about update file and latest version number | |
if [ "$versr" == "2.5" ]; then | |
updatelist=`grep "targetplatformversion=\"2.5\"" -m 1 list1.xml | awk -F"detailsurl=\"" '{print$2}' | awk -F"\" />" '{print$1}'` | |
newversion=`grep "targetplatformversion=\"2.5\"" -m 1 list1.xml | awk -F"version=\"" '{print$2}' | awk -F"\"" '{print$1}'` | |
fi | |
if [ "$versr" == "3.1" ]; then | |
updatelist=`grep "targetplatformversion=\"3.1\"" -m 1 list1.xml | awk -F"detailsurl=\"" '{print$2}' | awk -F"\" />" '{print$1}'` | |
newversion=`grep "targetplatformversion=\"3.1\"" -m 1 list1.xml | awk -F"version=\"" '{print$2}' | awk -F"\"" '{print$1}'` | |
fi | |
# this website is not 2.5/3.1, exiting | |
if [ "$updatelist" == "unknown" ]; then | |
eout "This Joomla version cannot be updated. Exiting." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
exit 0 | |
fi | |
# if current version number equals latest version number no update is necessary | |
if [ "$versr.$versd" == "$newversion" ]; then | |
eout "This Joomla website is already up-to-date. Exiting." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
exit 0 | |
else | |
# if backup needed, create backup first | |
if [ "$backup" == "yes" ]; then | |
do_backup | |
fi | |
eout "This website will be updated to version $newversion." 1 | |
wget $updatelist -q -O list2.xml >/dev/null 2>/dev/null | |
# get url of update zipfile | |
updatefile=`grep "x_to_$newversion" -m 1 list2.xml | awk -F">" '{print$2}' | awk -F"</downloadurl" '{print$1}'` | |
eout "Downloading updatefile: $updatefile." 1 | |
# download update zipfile | |
wget $updatefile -O update.zip >/dev/null 2>/dev/null | |
# Updating files | |
eout "Extracting zipfile, updating files." 1 | |
# update files | |
unzip -q -o update.zip | |
# retrieve new version info | |
get_joomla_info | |
# set rights | |
eout "Setting file ownership." 1 | |
chown -R $owner:$group .htaccess * | |
# execute all mysql updates frm previous version to current version | |
oldversd=`expr $oldversd + 1` | |
eout " " 1 | |
for (( u=oldversd; u<=versd; u++ )); do | |
for sqlfile in `ls administrator/components/com_admin/sql/updates/mysql/$versr.$u*sql`; do | |
eout "Running SQL update $sqlfile." 1 | |
# copy sql update file to temporary directory | |
cp $sqlfile tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
# modify prefix so it matches for this website | |
perl -pi -e "s/#__/$prefix/g" tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
# run sql updates | |
if mysql --host=$host --user=$dbuser --password=$password --socket=$mysock $database < tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
then | |
eout "SQL update completed." 1 | |
rm -f tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
else | |
eout "Error running SQL update. Exiting." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
done | |
done | |
# fix joomla version in #__schema and #__extension tables | |
sql="UPDATE #__schemas SET version_id = \"$versr.$versd\" WHERE extension_id = 700;" | |
echo $sql | sed -e "s/#__/$prefix/" > tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
sql="UPDATE #__extensions SET manifest_cache = REPLACE(manifest_cache, '\"version\":\"$oldversfull\"', '\"version\":\"$versr.$versd\"') WHERE extension_id = 700;" | |
echo $sql | sed -e "s/#__/$prefix/" >> tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
if mysql --host=$host --user=$dbuser --password=$password --socket=$mysock $database < tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
then | |
eout "Succesfully updated #__schemas and #__extension tables." 1 | |
rm -f tmp/sqlupdate.sql | |
else | |
eout "Error updating #__schemas and #__extensions tables. Exiting." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
eout " " 1 | |
eout "Cleaning up temporary files." 1 | |
do_cleanup | |
# update and display joomla info | |
eout " " 1 | |
eout "Joomla update finished. Website info:" 1 | |
eout "Sitename : $sitename" 1 | |
eout "Version : $versr.$versd" 1 | |
eout "Do not forget to update your language files." 1 | |
# finished | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
fi | |
else | |
eout "File configuration.php not found. Are you at the root of the site?" 1 | |
datestamp=`date +"%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S"` | |
eout "$datestamp: End joomlaupdate." | |
eout " " | |
exit 1 | |
fi |
UPDATE #__schemas
SET version_id
= 'NEWVERSION' WHERE extension_id
= 700
I think this should do the trick
Update of #__schemas table is now added to the script.
Hello Rene,
I've tested and found one more prob: "Database update version (2.5.11) does not match CMS version (2.5.14).", originated by getUpdateVersion function, in the same database.php file.
It can be fixed with a query like this:
UPDATE #__extensions
SET manifest_cache
= REPLACE(manifest_cache
, '"version":"OLDV"', '"version":"NEWV"') WHERE extension_id
= 700;
I'm sorry I always carry bad news! :S
Gat the patch for #__extensions now also in!
Sounds really really great ! I don't need this script but just want to say you "Good job and thanks for the sharing!!!"
I really liked the sound of this script, and the code looks good, however, I tried to update a site from 3.3.3 to 3.4.3 and it just returned "This Joomla version cannot be updated. Exiting.".
I think this is just because maybe the newer Joomla versions do things a little differently, but I'll try and see if I can fix it.
It's now built into Akeeba and myjoomla.com for automatic updating.
Hi @renekreijveld, @xpallicer and @AndyGaskell did you guys fix this? I'm trying to fix this too, because all versions between 3.2 and 3.4.8 have security issues.
Hello Rene,
I have checked and I see the same error, I think problem is at _schemas table.
I've checked the error in Joomla! com_installer, and I found in models/database.php, getSchemaVersion function is causing the problem.
I think that the version shoud be updated to the latest version installed, I mean UPDATE #__schemas table when update is ready.
Maybe this can cause further problems, but I don't think so. Maybe somebody with more knowledge can help!