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Created September 3, 2011 10:45
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ORM or just Zend_Db_Tabble?
$this->_em->setTable('user'); // Sets DbTable-class to use.
$users = $this->_em->findById(1); // Returns a collection of users found.
$user = $users->first(); // Get only the first user.
$this->_em->save($user); // Update user information.
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rtreffer commented Sep 3, 2011

_em->find('Entity_User', 1); // retrieve the user entity $user->setFirstname('Max')->setLastname('Mustermann'); // a data model is nicer with chaining $this->_em->flush(); // save all pending changes

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Mh, stimmt. Fluent interface und so :)
save() hingegen kann bisher nur eine Änderung speichern. Vorerst müsste das reichen.

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