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Created March 8, 2011 06:25
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Some asynchronous patterns
* asynchronicity.js
* Steve Lloyd <[email protected]>
* Exploratory script covering various issues that arise working with
* asychronous javascript functions. This script is intended to be run from
* the command line with node, i.e.:
* $ node asynchronicity.js
* For simplicity, this script doesn't deal with errors. In reality, every
* callback would need to handle error responses, and the async helpers
* would need to exit early by invoking error functions.
// Let's simulate some getters that take a long time to respond.
var slow_network = {
get_first_part: function (callback) {
setTimeout(function() { callback('hello'); }, 3000);
get_second_part: function (callback) {
setTimeout(function() { callback('async'); }, 1000);
get_third_part: function (callback) {
setTimeout(function() { callback('world'); }, 500);
// Helper to report results and timing info for async operations
var exhibit = function (title) {
var start_time =;
return {
log: function (msg) {
console.log(title + ': ' + msg);
report: function (result) {
console.log('report for ' + title +
':\n\tresult: ' + result +
'\n\telapsed: ' +
( - start_time) + ' ms');
// Let's do this in the most straightforward manner possible.
var exhibit_a = exhibit('basic nested callbacks');
slow_network.get_first_part(function (first_part) {
slow_network.get_second_part(function (second_part) {
slow_network.get_third_part(function (third_part) {[first_part, second_part, third_part].join(' '));
// That was simple, but the functions are independent. There's no reason to sit
// around doing nothing while we're waiting for results from each successive
// call.
var exhibit_b = exhibit('parallel polling');
var first, second, third;
slow_network.get_first_part(function (first_part) {
first = first_part;
slow_network.get_second_part(function (second_part) {
second = second_part;
slow_network.get_third_part(function (third_part) {
third = third_part;
// Now we need a way to know when we have all of the results. We can use a
// timer ...
var interval_id = setInterval(function () {
if (first && second && third) {
clearInterval(interval_id);[first, second, third].join(' '));
}, 50);
// But, the timer approach requires continuous polling and result-checking. We
// need a way of knowing when all the functions have returned. Let's create a
// helper to call the methods in parallel.
var async_helper = {
// async_helper.parallel(func_0, func_1, ..., func_n, callback)
// Call two or more asynchronous functions in parallel and
// invoke a callback when all functions have returned. Each
// input function should take a single argument, a callback
// function. This callback should be invoked with an arbitrary
// result object when the asynchronous function calls back.
// Result objects will be stored in an array and passed as the
// sole argument of async_helper.parallel's callback.
parallel: function () {
var args =,
callback = args.pop(),
results = [],
in_progress = args.length;
args.forEach(function (async_call, index) {
async_call(function (result) {
results[index] = result;
if (--in_progress == 0) {
// async_helper.sequence(func_0, func_1, ..., func_n, callback)
// Call two or more asynchronous functions sequentialy and
// invoke a final callback at the end of the sequence. Each
// input function takes two arguments.
// The first argment of each input function is a callback that
// should be invoked with an arbitrary result object when the
// async function calls back.
// The second argument of each input function is an array of
// result objects corresponding to the ordered input functions.
// This allows intermediary results to be passed down the
// sequence.
// Result objects will be stored in an array and passed as the
// sole argument of async_helper.sequence's callback.
sequence: function () {
var args =,
callback = args.pop(),
results = [];
function next() {
var func = args.shift();
func(function (result) {
args.length > 0 ? next() : callback(results);
}, results);
// Now we can call async functions in parallel without the ugly polling.
var exhibit_c = exhibit('async.parallel');
function (results) {' '));
// Sometimes the results of each function are neede for the next one. If we
// pretend that to be the case for 'hello async world', we can call the
// async getters in sequence without nesting the callbacks.
var exhibit_d = exhibit('async_helper.sequence');
function (results) {' '));
// Now, let's make a mixed call chain of sequence and parallel async
// functions. Our completely contrived example will assume we have a
// disk that is _extremely_ slow to read. Fortunately, the slow disk
// allows us to do some reads in parallel.
// Our contrived slow disk has two kinds of reads. Direct reads are
// invoked with a getter and call back with a numeric value.
// Indirect reads are also invoked with a getter, but indirect reads
// call back with the name of a direct getter that must then be
// called to retrieve the value.
// Lets build our slow disk to have the following calls:
// 'get_a' -> 'get_e' (indirect)
// 'get_b' -> 'get_c' (indirect)
// 'get_c' -> 2 (direct)
// 'get_d' -> 5 (direct)
// 'get_e' -> 1 (direct)
// Build an object that implements my slow disk behavior.
var slow_disk = (function () {
var getter_factory = function(getters) {
var widget = {},
params = null,
name = null;
function build_getter(val, delay) {
return function (callback, results) {
setTimeout(function() { callback(val); }, delay);
for (name in getters) {
params = getters[name];
widget[name] = build_getter(params.val, params.delay);
// You first reaction might be "A build_getter method? Why not
// just loop through the getters and make the functions directly?"
// We can't do this directly because the closures would all
// reference the same value of params after the for loop exits.
for (var name in getters) {
console.log('getters[' + name + '].val = ' + getters[name].val);
var params = getters[name];
widget['get_' + name] = function (callback) {
setTimeout(function() { callback(params.val); }, params.delay);
return widget;
return getter_factory({
get_a: { val: 'get_e', delay: 2000 },
get_b: { val: 'get_c', delay: 3000 },
get_c: { val: 2, delay: 1000 },
get_d: { val: 5, delay: 1500 },
get_e: { val: 1, delay: 5000 },
// Now, we want to figure out the answer to:
// a + b + c + d + e
// We can do the following five actions in parallel:
// (1) sequence:
// - get a
// - get the value of what a points to
// (2) sequence:
// - get b
// - get the value of what b points to
// (3) get c
// (4) get d
// (5) get e
// We can easily nest the sequences inside a parallel call structure
var exhibit_e = exhibit('parallel/sequence mix');
// Get a, then get the value of what a points to
function (callback) {
function (callback, results) {
slow_disk[results[0]](function (val) { callback(val); });
function (results) {
// We want the result of the second function
// Get b, then get the value of what b points to
function (callback) {
function (callback, results) {
slow_disk[results[0]](function (val) { callback(val); });
function (results) {
// Again, we want the result of the second function
function (results) {
var sum = results.reduce(function (sum, val) { return sum + val; });'sum = ' + sum);
// We can also cache results. Assuming that the value don't change often
// (and since I contrived the example, I declare that to be true), we
// should cache results so that we don't have to spend forever looking
// up get_e multiple times. We should do more than just caching results,
// because we shouldn't bother making a second call to get_e if there
// is another caller who has already invoked that call and is waiting
// on a response.
var async_cache = function(obj) {
var responses = {},
waiting = {},
caching_obj = {},
func = null;
caching_obj.prototype = obj;
function wrap_method(method, func) {
return function(callback) {
if (responses[method]) {
// We already have this result, invoke callback immediately.
} else if (waiting[method]) {
// Someone else is waiting for this result. Just add
// ourself to the waiting list.
} else {
// No one has asked for this yet. Store the caller's
// callback on the waiting list and handle the response
// callback by looping through the waiting list and
// invoking all waiting callbacks.
waiting[method] = [callback];
func(function (val) {
responses[method] = val;
waiting[method].forEach(function(callback) {
delete waiting[method];
for (var method in obj) {
func = obj[method];
// Don't try cache magic for non-functions
if (typeof func === 'function') {
caching_obj[method] = wrap_method(method, func);
return caching_obj;
// Wrap the slow disk with caching logic.
var smarter_slow_disk = async_cache(slow_disk);
// Also, up above we had two very similar looking chunks of code
// for the indirect sequences. Here's a helper for the indirect calls.
function get_indirect(indirect_method) {
var self = smarter_slow_disk;
return function (callback) {
function (callback, results) {
self[results[0]](function (val) { callback(val); });
function (results) {
// Finally, do our mixed example with caching.
var exhibit_f = exhibit('sequence/parallel mix with caching');
function (results) {
var sum = results.reduce(function (sum, val) { return sum + val; });'sum = ' + sum);
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