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repi /
Last active July 30, 2024 17:22
Guidelines on evaluating health & quality of third-party crates at Embark

What to evaluate and consider before adding usage of new third-party crates.

These are not exact requirements but questions to investigate and discuss to help reason around the health, safety, maintainability, and more around crates.

This can also be read as an opinionated guide for crate authors of what our (Embark's) guidelines and recommendations are, though should not be taken too literally.

Legend: 🔒 Must have, ⭐️ Should have, 👍 Nice to have, ℹ️ Info

repi / Clippy.toml
Last active October 14, 2021 02:44
Embark Clippy.toml for `disallowed_method` lint
msrv = "1.55.0"
# for `disallowed_method`:
disallowed-methods = [
# std functions
"std::env::temp_dir", # we use the tempdir crate instead through ark_file_system::TempDir
"std::env::home_dir", # deprecated, and we use app_dirs2 crate
"std::env::set_current_dir", # don't change the current working directory, it usually leads to shared sadness
"std::env::var_os", # use std::env::var and UTF-8 strings instead, including for paths
"std::env::env_os", # use std::env::env and UTF-8 strings instead, including for paths
repi / Cargo.toml
Created November 10, 2018 05:19
Sync Rust crates for offline usage & docs
name = "depdl"
version = "0.1.0"
# add whatever crates you want to be able to use offline here
futures = "*"
meowhash = "*"

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