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Created April 9, 2024 15:30
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Mirriam-Webster Word of The Day - Templater User Script for
// Mirriam-Webster WOTD Templater User Script:
// Include this file in your Templater plugin User Scripts folder
// Use within your daily note templater template like this:
// <% tp.user.getWOTD("YYYY-MM-DD", 0, tp.file.title, "YYYY-MM-DD")) %>
function fetchWordOfTheDay() {
const rssUrl = '';
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// this lets us get around CORS problems with use of fetch
require('https').get(rssUrl, (response) => {
let data = '';
response.on('data', (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
response.on('end', () => {
response.on('error', (error) => {
}).then((xmlText) => {
const itemRegex = /<item>([\s\S]*?)<\/item>/g;
const guidRegex = /<guid[^>]*>(?:<!\[CDATA\[)?([\s\S]*?)(?:\]\]>)?<\/guid>/;
const pubDateRegex = /<pubDate[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/pubDate>/;
const titleRegex = /<title[^>]*>(?:<!\[CDATA\[)?([\s\S]*?)(?:\]\]>)?<\/title>/;
const shortDefRegex = /<merriam:shortdef[^>]*>(?:<!\[CDATA\[)?([\s\S]*?)(?:\]\]>)?<\/merriam:shortdef>/;
const summaryRegex = /<itunes:summary[^>]*>(?:<!\[CDATA\[)?([\s\S]*?)(?:\]\]>)?<\/itunes:summary>/;
const wordOfTheDayArray = [];
let match;
while ((match = itemRegex.exec(xmlText)) !== null) {
const itemXml = match[1];
const guidMatch = guidRegex.exec(itemXml);
const pubDateMatch = pubDateRegex.exec(itemXml);
const titleMatch = titleRegex.exec(itemXml);
const shortDefMatch = shortDefRegex.exec(itemXml);
const summaryMatch = summaryRegex.exec(itemXml);
if (
guidMatch &&
pubDateMatch &&
titleMatch &&
shortDefMatch &&
) {
const guid = guidMatch[1];
const pubDate = pubDateMatch[1];
const title = titleMatch[1];
const shortDef = shortDefMatch[1];
const summary = summaryMatch[1];
// Extract the date from pubDate in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
const date = new Date(pubDate).toISOString().slice(0, 10);
const wordOfTheDay = {
word: title,
shortDesc: shortDef,
return wordOfTheDayArray;
async function getWOTD(dateString) {
try {
const wordOfTheDayArray = await fetchWordOfTheDay();
const wordOfTheDay = wordOfTheDayArray.find((word) => === dateString);
if (wordOfTheDay) {
const { word, shortDesc, summary } = wordOfTheDay;
const formattedSummary = summary
.map((line) => `> ${line}`)
.join('\n').replace('//','> ');
const truncatedMatches = formattedSummary.match(/^.*?\[See the entry >\]\(.*?\)/s);
const truncatedSummary = truncatedMatches ? truncatedMatches[0] : formattedSummary;
return `> [!${word.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+word.slice(1)} – ${shortDesc}]
} else {
return '> No word of the day found for the given date.';
} catch (error) {
return '> An error occurred while retrieving the word of the day.';
// (async function(){
// console.log(await getWOTD('2024-04-09'));
// })()
module.exports = getWOTD;
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