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Created May 18, 2023 18:40
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(ns geoplot
(:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
[nextjournal.clerk.viewer :as viewer]
[ :as json]
[ :as io]
[applied-science.js-interop :as js]))
;; # replicating the Observable Plot [earthquake map example]( in Clerk using `sci`
(def earthquake-data
[r (io/reader "")]
(json/read r)))
(def world-data
(with-open [r (io/reader "")]
(json/read r)))
(def geo-plot-viewer
{:transform-fn clerk/mark-presented
`(fn [data _]
(require '[applied-science.js-interop :as js])
{:module "[email protected]"}
(fn [Plot]
(let [earthquakes
(map (fn [f]
(let [c ('d3/geoCentroid f)]
{:magnitude ('Math/pow 10 (js/get-in f [:properties :mag]))
:latitude (second c)
:longitude (first c)})))
(js/get (js/lit ~earthquake-data) :features))
(. Plot plot
:projection (js/obj :type "orthographic" :rotate [-90, -30])
(. Plot geo
(let [world (js/lit ~world-data)]
('topojson/feature world "land"))
(js/lit {:fill "grey" :fillOpacity 0.2
:stroke "black"}))
(. Plot sphere)
(. Plot dot
(js/lit {:x "longitude" :y "latitude" :magnitude "magnitude"
:stroke "red" :fill "red" :fillOpacity 0.2}))
[:div {:ref (fn [el]
(if el
(doto el
(.append geoplot))
(.remove geoplot))))}]))])})
^{::clerk/viewer geo-plot-viewer}
{:something "something"}
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