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leonoel / complex_business_process_example_missionary.clj
Last active October 12, 2023 11:16
An alternative solution to didibus' business process using missionary.
(ns complex-business-process-example-missionary
"A stupid example of a more complex business process to implement as a flowchart."
(:require [missionary.core :as m])
(:import missionary.Cancelled))
;;;; Config
(def config
"When set to :test will trigger the not-boosted branch which won't write to db.
When set to :prod will trigger the boosted branch which will try to write to the db."
holyjak /
Last active September 6, 2024 15:17
Babashka HTTP server for serving static files, similar to `python -m http.server` but more flexible :)
#!/usr/bin/env bb
#_" -*- mode: clojure; -*-"
;; Based on
(ns http-server
(:require [babashka.fs :as fs]
[ :as browse]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :refer [parse-opts]]
[org.httpkit.server :as server]
(defn send-repl [& [obj]]
(let [in-in (
in-out ( in-in)
out-in (
out-out ( out-in)
err-in (
err-out ( err-in)]
(tap> {:repl/in ( in-out)
:repl/out ( out-in)
KGOH / convert.clj
Last active February 29, 2024 12:12
convert.clj -- babashka edn/json/yaml to edn/json/yaml converter
#!/usr/bin/env bb
;; convert.clj -- babashka edn/json/yaml to edn/json/yaml converter
;; Author:
;; Source:
;; Version: 2020.4
; Usage example:
; In Emacs:
; $ convert.clj edn <<< '{"foo": "bar"}'
; {:foo "bar"}
wtaysom /
Last active January 24, 2024 03:25
A Review of Paul Graham's Bel, Chris Granger's Eve, and a Silly VR Rant

Hello Friends,

This elf begging to climb onto the web for Christmas began as a personal email, a review of Paul Graham's little Lisp Bel. He sprouted arms, legs, and in gingerstyle ran away. Arms for symbols, legs for conses: these primitives are the mark a Lisp — even more so than the parenthesis. What do we get when we remove these foundation stones: naming and pairing?

No pairs. No cons. No structure. Unordered. Chaos. Eve, a beautifully incomplete aspect oriented triple store. No need for legs when you can effortlessly transport to your destination. Lazy. Pure. Here and now, a retrospective.

No symbols. No names. No variables. Combinators. Forth. No need for arms when you can effortlessly push and pop your stack. No words. A world without words. Virtual worlds. Virtual reality. Space. Time. Motion. Action. Kinetic Programming, a proposal.

I apologize in advance. Checking my pocketwatch, I see I haven't t

mhuebert /
Last active April 24, 2024 09:41
shadow-cljs build hook for purgecss

purgecss is a tool for removing unused css classes from source files. It's particularly useful for functional css frameworks like tachyons, where it's normal to only use a tiny fraction of available classes. This gist contains example code you could use to add purgecss to a shadow-cljs build.

  • make sure to yarn add purgecss first
  • usage is (hooks/purge-css {:css-source __ :js-globs __ :out-dir __})
    • :css-source is the path to the original, bloated CSS file (from project root). This is ideally in a source directory, or node_modules as in this example. This cannot be the public path where the css is ultimately read.
  • :js-globs is a string / vector of strings, indicating which files to read as input. These should be all of your compiled javascript bundles which contain your views. purgecss does a brute-force parse of all these files, extracting all the strings to figure out which clas
joinr / spectraining.clj
Created June 4, 2019 18:39
spec experiment with org
;;A port of an awk script that munges
;;code to .org mode documentation,
;;let's do it with spec!
(ns spectraining.doc
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(require '[clojure.string :as string]
'[ :as r.match]
'[ :as r]
'[ :as sub])
(def html
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:meta {:charset "UTF-8"}]
jeroenvandijk / git.zsh.clj
Last active August 29, 2019 17:16
bash to closh porting examples (
(defcmd git [& [dispatch :as args]]
(if (= dispatch "browse")
(let [{:keys [code stderr]
remote-url :stdout} (sh-value "git" "remote" "get-url" "origin")]
(if (zero? code)
(do (println "Opening" remote-url)
(sh "open" (clojure.string/trim remote-url)))
(println stderr)))
(eval `(sh "git" ~@args))))
jeroenvandijk / .closhrc.cljc
Created April 8, 2019 14:03
First experiment with closhrc
(defcmd git [& [dispatch :as args]]
(if (= dispatch "browse")
(let [{:keys [code stderr]
remote-url :stdout} (sh-value "git" "remote" "get-url" "origin")]
(if (zero? code)
(do (println "Opening" remote-url)
(sh "open" (clojure.string/trim remote-url)))
(println stderr)))
(eval `(sh "git" ~@args))))