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Last active August 1, 2022 10:15
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Simple script to interrogate sardana servers to extract info about 3rd party plugins (macros or controllers)
import json
import os.path
import collections
import argparse
except ImportError:
from taurus.external import argparse
import taurus
from sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana import registerExtensions
from sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana.pool import Pool
def read_lib(file_path, grep=None):
if grep is not None:
print("\tOccurrences of {}:".format(grep))
with open(file_path, "r") as lib_file:
line_nb = 0
while True:
line = lib_file.readline()
if not line:
line = line.lstrip()
if line.startswith("#"):
line_nb += 1
if grep is not None and grep in line:
print("\t\t" + line[:-1])
return line_nb
def controller(pool, path, output, verbose, grep=None):
total_ctrl_lib_nb = 0
total_ctrl_klass_nb = 0
total_ctrl_line_nb = 0
file_to_ctrls = {}
klass_to_ctrls = {}
file_and_klass_to_ctrls = {}
for name, ctrl in pool.getElementsOfType("Controller").items():
file_name = ctrl.file_name
file_ctrls = file_to_ctrls.get(file_name, [])
file_to_ctrls[file_name] = file_ctrls
klass_ctrls = klass_to_ctrls.get(ctrl.klass, [])
klass_to_ctrls[ctrl.klass] = klass_ctrls
# Sardana allows to use controller class which is
# overridden - see sardana#1459.
# For that reason keep a map based on <lib:class> key.
file_and_klass = "{0}:{1}".format(file_name, ctrl.klass)
ctrls = file_and_klass_to_ctrls.get(file_and_klass, [])
file_and_klass_to_ctrls[file_and_klass] = ctrls
hwinfo = pool.getHWObj().info()
info = dict(name=pool.getFullName(), ctrls=[], host=hwinfo.server_host, server=hwinfo.server_id)
for name, lib in pool.getElementsOfType("ControllerLibrary").items():
file_name = lib.file_name
if file_name not in file_to_ctrls:
continue # skip ctrls which are not instantiated
file_path = lib.file_path
if file_path is None:
sardana_ctrl_path = os.path.join(path, "sardana/pool/poolcontrollers")
if file_path.startswith(sardana_ctrl_path):
continue # skip sardana controllers
total_ctrl_lib_nb += 1
print("Controller library: {0}".format(file_path))
if verbose:
print("\tDescription: {0}".format(lib.description))
print("\tController classes:")
klasses = collections.defaultdict(list)
for klass in lib.elements:
file_and_klass = "{0}:{1}".format(lib.file_name, klass)
if file_and_klass in file_and_klass_to_ctrls:
ctrls = file_and_klass_to_ctrls[file_and_klass]
total_ctrl_klass_nb += 1
if ctrls:
klasses[klass] = ctrls
print("\t\t{0} {1}".format(klass, ctrls))
if not verbose:
klass_fullname = "{0}.{1}".format(, klass)
klass = pool.getElementsOfType("ControllerClass")[klass_fullname]
print("\t\t\tDescription: {0}".format(klass.description))
print("\t\t\tTypes: {0}".format(klass.types))
line_nb = read_lib(file_path, grep)
total_ctrl_line_nb += line_nb
print("\tNumber of lines: {0}".format(line_nb))
ctrl_info = dict(name=os.path.basename(file_path),
print("Total number of ctrl libraries: {0}".format(total_ctrl_lib_nb))
print("Total number of ctrl classes: {0}".format(total_ctrl_klass_nb))
print("Total number of lines: {0}".format(total_ctrl_line_nb))
print("Output at: {0}".format(output))
info['total_ctrl_libs'] = total_ctrl_lib_nb
info['total_ctrl_classes'] = total_ctrl_klass_nb
info['total_ctrl_lines'] = total_ctrl_line_nb
with open(output, 'wt') as fobj:
json.dump(info, fobj, indent=2)
def macro(ms, path, output, verbose, grep=None):
total_macro_lib_nb = 0
total_macro_nb = 0
total_macro_line_nb = 0
hwinfo = ms.getHWObj().info()
info = dict(name=ms.getFullName(), libs=[], host=hwinfo.server_host, server=hwinfo.server_id)
for name, lib in ms.getElementsOfType("MacroLibrary").items():
file_path = lib.file_path
if file_path is None:
sardana_macro_path = os.path.join(path, "sardana/macroserver/macros")
if file_path.startswith(sardana_macro_path):
continue # skip sardana macros
total_macro_lib_nb += 1
print("Macro library: {0}".format(file_path))
if verbose:
print("\tDescription: {0}".format(lib.description))
klasses = lib.elements
total_macro_nb += len(klasses)
print("\tMacro classes: {0}".format(klasses))
line_nb = read_lib(file_path, grep)
total_macro_line_nb += line_nb
print("\tNumber of lines: {0}".format(line_nb))
lib_info = dict(name=os.path.basename(file_path),
print("Total number of macro libraries: {0}".format(total_macro_lib_nb))
print("Total number of macros: {0}".format(total_macro_nb))
print("Total number of lines: {0}".format(total_macro_line_nb))
print("Output at: {0}".format(output))
info['total_macro_libs'] = total_macro_lib_nb
info['total_macros'] = total_macro_nb
info['total_macro_lines'] = total_macro_line_nb
with open(output, 'wt') as fobj:
json.dump(info, fobj, indent=2)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Interrogate sardana servers to extract info about 3rd "
"party plugins"
parser.add_argument("model", type=str,
help="either Pool or MacroServer (depends on "
"the plugin type)",)
parser.add_argument("path", nargs='?', action="store", type=str,
help="path to sardana install directory")
parser.add_argument("--output", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--grep", type=str,
help="look for string in the code (line by line)")
args = parser.parse_args()
device = taurus.Device(args.model)
if args.output is None:
args.output = os.path.join('/tmp', args.model.replace('/', '_')+'.txt')
if isinstance(device, Pool):
controller(device, args.path, args.output, args.verbose, args.grep)
macro(device, args.path, args.output, args.verbose, args.grep)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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