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Roman retgoat

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retgoat /
Created October 2, 2023 04:16 — forked from Anime4000/
Linux Mail Server Postfix Dovecot Virtual User, no sql database

Linux Mail Server

In this guide, I will show you how to make a Linux Mail Server in fast and easy way. This guide was taken from tiq's tech-blog for recent version, Linux distro I using is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


Make sure you have Certificate and Key file ready to use.

You can use existing Web Server SSL certificate, since we going to use same domain,

If you plan to use or you need create another one for these.

retgoat / 1-uses_tracker.ex
Created December 18, 2017 04:49 — forked from christhekeele/1-uses_tracker.ex
A way to know what modules a module has used in Elixir.
# For more elaborate use cases, see the IndirectUsesTracker instead:
# A way to know, at runtime, what modules a module has used at compile time.
# In this case, you include `UsesTracker` into a module. When that module gets
# used in some other module, it registers itself with the other module.
defmodule UsesTracker do
retgoat / 1-indirect_uses_tracker.ex
Created December 18, 2017 04:49 — forked from christhekeele/1-indirect_uses_tracker.ex
A way to track when modules are used in Elixir, and an example adapter/plugin architecture built on top.
# For simpler use cases, see the UsesTracker instead:
# A way to know, at runtime, what modules a module has used at compile time.
# In this case, you include `IndirectUsesTracker` into a module. When that module gets
# used in some other module, it makes that module registerable under a namespace of your choosing.
# When the registerable module is used into a third module, that third module will know at runtime which
# registerables were `use`d in it at compile time, via a function titled after the namespace.

Pry Cheat Sheet

Command Line

  • pry -r ./config/app_init_file.rb - load your app into a pry session (look at the file loaded by
  • pry -r ./config/environment.rb - load your rails into a pry session


retgoat / time_travel_trigger.sql
Created May 29, 2017 08:28 — forked from myitcv/time_travel_trigger.sql
Trigger-based equivalent of old PostgreSQL time travel module - see for more details
Copyright (c) 2015 Paul Jolly <[email protected])
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
retgoat / gist:de7fa6601df61993002490fb72a25003
Created November 29, 2016 07:50
Rails : skip all before filters
skip_filter *, :only => [:action_goes_here]
retgoat /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from peterhellberg/
Install of ruby-oci8 for 10.9/OSX Mavericks

Install of ruby-oci8 for 10.9/OSX Mavericks - step-by-step:

  1. Go here:
  2. Download the 64bit versions of instantclient-sqlplus, instantclient-sdk, instantclient-basic - the 32bit versions do not work with OSX 10.9
  3. Create directories at /opt/oracle
  4. Unzip instantclient-basic first, move to /opt/oracle (should add a folder - something like /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2/)
  5. Unzip instantclient-sdk and move its contents to /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2/
  6. Unzip instantclient-sqlplus and move its contents /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2/
  7. Open Terminal (if you haven't already) and type...
  8. DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2 export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
retgoat / dispatcher.erl
Last active November 2, 2015 06:53 — forked from dry/dispatcher.erl
Moochiweb router example
-module (dispatcher).
-export ([dispatch/2, convert_method_to_action/1]).
dispatch(_,[]) -> none;
dispatch(Req, [{Regexp, Handler}|T]) ->
"/" ++ Path = Req:get(path),
Method = Req:get(method),