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Created January 27, 2022 03:18
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simple python script that uses FFmpeg to perform databending
import fractions
import subprocess
import json
# input settings
infile = "in.gif"
outfile = "out.mp4"
# databend settings
effect = "biquad"
pix_fmt = "yuv420p"
# convert from input to raw video
p = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg", "-hide_banner", "-y", "-i", infile, "-pix_fmt", pix_fmt, "-f", "rawvideo", "pipe:1"],
rawvideo = p.communicate()[0]
# get info from original to reconstruct later
p = subprocess.Popen(['ffprobe', '-v', 'quiet', '-print_format', 'json', '-show_format', '-show_streams', infile],
infoprobe = p.communicate()[0]
info = json.loads(infoprobe)
fps = float(fractions.Fraction(info["streams"][0]["r_frame_rate"]))
width = info["streams"][0]["width"]
height = info["streams"][0]["height"]
# apply effect to audio
p = subprocess.Popen(['ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-y', '-f', 'alaw', '-acodec', 'pcm_alaw',
'-i', 'pipe:0', "-af", effect, '-f', 'alaw', "pipe:1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
alaw = p.communicate(input=rawvideo)[0][:len(rawvideo)]
# convert audio back to original
p = subprocess.Popen(['ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-y', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-s',
f"{width}x{height}", '-r', str(fps),
'-pix_fmt', pix_fmt, '-i', 'pipe:0', outfile], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
# play it
subprocess.Popen(["ffplay", "-loop", "0", "-y", "750", outfile])
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