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Last active December 12, 2015 09:09
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Union Find algorithm in Clojure using the state-m Monad for keeping track of state. Monad code found at Good explanation of Monads and state monad
(ns euler.algo.uf
(:use clojure.algo.monads))
(with-monad state-m
(defn get-or-add [key]
(fn [s]
(if-let [v (get s key)]
[v s]
[[key 1] (assoc s key [key 1])])))
(defn root [key]
[[r c :as res] (get-or-add key)
:if (= r key)
:then [ret (m-result res)]
:else [ret (root r)
_ (set-val key [(first ret) -1])]]
(defn- join [[childKey childCount :as c] [parentKey parentCount :as p]]
(fn [s]
(let [newParent [parentKey (+ parentCount childCount)]
newChild [parentKey -1]]
[newParent (assoc s childKey newChild parentKey newParent)])))
(defn union [a b]
[[ra ca :as rootA] (root a)
[rb cb :as rootB] (root b)
:if (= ra rb)
:then [res (m-result nil)]
:else [
:if (<= ca cb)
:then [res (join rootA rootB)]
:else [res (join rootB rootA)]]]
(defn connected? [a b]
[[ra _] (root a)
[rb _] (root b)]
(= ra rb)))
(defn component-size [a]
(domonad [[ra ca] (root a)] ca))
(ns euler.algo.uf-test
(:use clojure.test
(with-monad state-m
(deftest nav-ops
(testing "getting non-existing elt"
(let [uf (domonad [a (get-or-add :a )] a)]
(is (= '([:a 1] {:a [:a 1]}) (uf {})))
(testing "getting existing elt"
(let [uf (domonad [a (get-or-add :a )] a)]
(is (= '([:b 2] {:a [:b 2]}) (uf {:a [:b 2]})))
(testing "root non-existing elt"
(let [uf (domonad [a (root :a )] a)]
(println "uf: " uf)
(println "invoke uf: " (uf {}))
(is (= '([:a 1] {:a [:a 1]}) (uf {})))
(testing "root existing elt"
(let [m {:a [:a 3]}
uf (domonad [a (root :a )] a)]
(is (= [[:a 3] m] (uf m)))
(testing "child and parent exist elts"
(let [m {:a [:b -1], :b [:b 2]}
uf (domonad [a (root :a )] a)]
(is (= [[:b 2] m] (uf m)))
(testing "reading grandchild reparents to root"
(let [m {:a [:b -1], :b [:c -1], :c [:d -1], :d [:d 4]}
uf (domonad [a (root :a )] a)]
(is (= [[:d 4] {:a [:d -1], :b [:d -1], :c [:d -1], :d [:d 4]}] (uf m)))
(testing "component size"
(let [m {:a [:b -1], :b [:b 2]}
uf (domonad [a (component-size :a )] a)]
(is (= [2 m] (uf m)))
(deftest union-ops
(testing "union two non existant elts"
(let [uf (domonad [u (union :a :b )] u)]
(is (= [[:b 2] {:a [:b -1], :b [:b 2]}] (uf {})))
(testing "union one non existant elt"
(println "START")
(let [uf (domonad [u (union :a :a )] u)]
(is (= [nil {:a [:a 1]}] (uf {})))
(testing "union two children common parent"
(println "START")
(let [uf (domonad [ac (union :a :c ) bc (union :b :c ) ab (union :a :b )] ab)]
(is (= [nil {:a [:c -1] :b [:c -1] :c [:c 3]}] (uf {})))
(testing "connected two children common parent"
(let [uf (domonad [ac (union :a :c ) bc (union :b :c ) ab (connected? :a :b )] ab)]
(is (= [true {:a [:c -1] :b [:c -1] :c [:c 3]}] (uf {})))
(testing "connected two non-existant elts"
(let [uf (domonad [ab (connected? :a :b )] ab)]
(is (= [false {:a [:a 1] :b [:b 1]}] (uf {})))
;(defn test-ns-hook []
; (foo))
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