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Apply a color preset to the current iTerm session from command prompt
-- Copyright © 2016, Mahmood Shafeie Zargar all rights reserved
-- This program is released under the terms of MIT License
-- Sort routine from
on run argv
set argument to item 1 of argv
on error
set out to "\n Scheme allows you to apply the color preset of your choice to your active iTerm session on-the-fly."
set out to out & " Note: Currently 'scheme' can only see and apply your custom presets, and not iTerm's native color presets that come with it out-of-the-box (e.g. Tango).\n"
set out to out & "\n Syntax: scheme [-l|--list] [color preset]\n"
return out
end try
set iTermPList to "~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist"
on error
return "\n iTerm plist file not found or can not be opened.\n"
end try
set cMax to 65535
set names to {}
set reds to {}
set greens to {}
set blues to {}
set alphas to {}
tell application "System Events"
tell property list file iTermPList
tell contents
set names to name of every property list item of property list item "Custom Color Presets"
if argument is in {"--list", "-l"} then
set output to "\n List of available color presets:\n\n"
set names to my sort(the names)
repeat with s in names
set output to output & s & "\n"
end repeat
return output
else if argument is in names then
tell property list item argument of property list item "Custom Color Presets"
set names to name of every property list item
set reds to value of property list item "Red Component" of every property list item
set greens to value of property list item "Green Component" of every property list item
set blues to value of property list item "Blue Component" of every property list item
repeat with colName in names
set end of alphas to value of property list item "Alpha Component" of property list item colName
on error
set end of alphas to 1
end try
end repeat
end tell
on error
return "\n Failed to load color preset " & argument & " from iTerm plist file.\n"
end try
return "\n " & argument & " is not one of the available color presets.\n"
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application "iTerm"
set currentSession to current session of current tab of current window
tell currentSession
repeat with i from 1 to count of names
set redVal to round(item i of reds * cMax)
set greenVal to round(item i of greens * cMax)
set blueVal to round(item i of blues * cMax)
set alphaVal to round(item i of alphas * cMax)
set colName to item i of names
if colName contains "Ansi 0 Color" then
set ANSI black color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 1 Color" then
set ANSI red color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 2 Color" then
set ANSI green color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 3 Color" then
set ANSI yellow color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 4 Color" then
set ANSI blue color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 5 Color" then
set ANSI magenta color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 6 Color" then
set ANSI cyan color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 7 Color" then
set ANSI white color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 8 Color" then
set ANSI bright black color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 9 Color" then
set ANSI bright red color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 10 Color" then
set ANSI bright green color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 11 Color" then
set ANSI bright yellow color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 12 Color" then
set ANSI bright blue color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 13 Color" then
set ANSI bright magenta color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 14 Color" then
set ANSI bright cyan color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Ansi 15 Color" then
set ANSI bright white color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Background Color" then
set background color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Bold Color" then
set bold color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Cursor Color" then
set cursor color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Cursor Text Color" then
set cursor text color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Foreground Color" then
set foreground color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Selected Text Color" then
set selected text color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
else if colName contains "Selection Color" then
set selection color to {redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal}
end if
-- These are missing for now: {"Badge Color", "Cursor Guide Color", "Link Color", "Tab Color"}
end repeat
end tell
end tell
on error
return "\n Failed to apply color preset " & argument & ".\n"
end try
return "\n Applied color preset " & argument & " to the current session.\n"
end run
on sort(theList)
set the indices to {}
set the sortedList to {}
repeat (the number of items in theList) times
set the lowItem to ""
repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in theList)
if i is not in the indices then
set thisItem to item i of theList as text
if the lowItem is "" then
set the lowItem to thisItem
set the lowItemIndex to i
else if thisItem comes before the lowItem then
set the lowItem to thisItem
set the lowItemIndex to i
end if
end if
end repeat
set the end of sortedList to the lowItem
set the end of the indices to the lowItemIndex
end repeat
return the sortedList
end sort
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