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retsyo /
Created April 23, 2018 02:07 — forked from nedrops/
bl_info = {
"name": "Duplicate Tools",
"author": "kuku",
"version": (1, 0),
"blender": (2, 79, 0),
"description": "Duplicate and fit to the face",
"support": "TESTING",
"category": "Object"
import bpy
Red [needs: view]
turtle: #()
win: layout [ panel [
tfield: base 500x500 white draw []
origin tfield/offset tlayer: base 500x500 draw [] ]
panel [
text "History" return history: text-list 200x350 data [] return
panel [ button "Save" [save request-file history/data]
retsyo / gist:54e6838d65bee85604adc3717dd4f8ce
Last active September 11, 2017 06:22
nim: could not import: cblas_sscal
I could not run compiled nim app if it uses openblas in msys2+mingw64 on win64.
I have update nim to the new `git cloned` one, openblas to the latest one too
for example, as for
$ nim
Nim Compiler Version 0.17.1 (2017-07-17) [Windows: amd64]
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