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Created October 16, 2024 14:20
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Example nanomq configuration
# NanoMQ Configuration 0.18.0
# NanoMQ Broker
system {
daemon = false
num_taskq_thread = 0
max_taskq_thread = 0
parallel = 0
mqtt = {
max_packet_size = 260MB # Maximum packet size NanoMQ can accept and send, 1B~260MB.
max_mqueue_len = 2048 # Maximum length of the in-flight window queue
retry_interval = 5s # Retry interval for QoS 1/2 message delivering
keepalive_multiplier = 1.25 # Multiplier for MQTT keepalive timeout.
property_size = 32 # Maximum size for a MQTT user property.
# Message persistence
sqlite {
disk_cache_size = 102400 # Max number of messages for caching
mounted_file_path="/tmp/" # Mounted file path
flush_mem_threshold = 100 # The threshold number of flushing messages to flash
resend_interval = 5000 # Resend interval (ms)
log {
to = [console]
level = info
# Listeners
listeners.tcp {
bind = ""
# listeners.ssl {
# bind = "" # Bind to all network interfaces on port 8883
# # key_password = <yourpass> # String with the password to decrypt private keyfile
# keyfile = "/etc/certs/key.pem" # Key file path
# certfile = "/etc/certs/cert.pem" # User certificate file path
# cacertfile = "/etc/certs/cacert.pem" # CA certificate file path
# verify_peer = true # If NanoMQ requests a certificate from the client
# fail_if_no_peer_cert = true # If to reject connection if no certificate is provided
# }
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