Flash the latest Raspberry Pi alpine linux image to the SD CARD. See Alpine's Documentation for details
Remount the sd hard on your computer (as you'll be adding some additional files to it before the SD card is inserted into your Raspberry Pi)
Download the
file from the alpine-linux-headless-bootstrap repo and add it to the to the root folder of the mounted sd card (e.g. the FAT partition).Note: You don't need to extract the
file, just place it there (there is a magic service which will execute it on boot) -
Add some additional files like
to the base folder of the FAT partition of the SD Card to enable ssh access to the device after bootFor example, the
keys file with your public SSH key (but this would give me access to your device, so please change it!)ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDxm81BGp+bQfMM0jgoMmUD7nXpBCclEq+NqVxUf5D65
You can also add other files such as Wifi credentials. All of the instructions on how to do this are detailed in the alpine-linux-headless-bootstrap repo
Put the SD Card into your Raspberry Pi Device, and boot it up
Connect via SSH
ssh root@<device_ip_address>
Run the
script (provided by Alpine)setup-alpine
You will be prompted for a lot of entries, but try to configure the repositories if you can.
Reboot after the setup has completed
SSH into the device again (after the machine has rebooted)
Note: You will need to remove the server from your host's
as the SSH server will have changed in the meantime! -
Edit the apk repository to enable the community repository (it is usually commented out at the top)
vi /etc/apk/repositories
Install some base dependencies that thin-edge.io installer will need
apk add curl bash sudo
Install thin-edge.io
wget -O - thin-edge.io/install.sh | sh -s
Optional: Install podman and other dependencies like cgroups
apk add cgroup-tools podman podman-compose fuse-overlayfs rc-update add podman sed -i 's/#mount_program/mount_program/' /etc/containers/storage.conf sed -i 's/.*rc_cgroup_mode=.*/rc_cgroup_mode="unified"/g' /etc/rc.conf
Then reboot the device
Check that podman is operational
podman run --rm -it alpine:3.21 sh
This should bring you to a terminal within the container without any errors.
Install some other useful thin-edge.io plugins
apk add tedge-command-plugin tedge-container-plugin-ng
If sudo
isn't installed at the time that thin-edge.io is installed, then you will need to add the sudoers rules.
echo "tedge ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tedge, /etc/tedge/sm-plugins/[a-zA-Z0-9]*, /bin/sync, /sbin/init" > /etc/sudoers.d/tedge
echo "tedge ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tedge-write /etc/*" >> /etc/sudoers.d/tedge
echo "tedge ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tedgectl" > /etc/sudoers.d/100-tedge-tedgectl
Just a very small addition, I also added the /usr/bin/tedgectl into the first line here. It solved the failed restart device problem.

It's now like this: