#!/usr/bin/env bash |
set -e |
################################################################################ |
# Cumulocity Proxy service setup |
# Auto detects the thin-edge.io proxy settings to use the http or https endpoint |
################################################################################ |
DEVICE_ID=$(tedge config get device.id) |
C8Y_PROXY_HOST=$(tedge config get c8y.proxy.client.host) |
C8Y_PROXY_PORT=$(tedge config get c8y.proxy.client.port) |
C8Y_PROXY_CERT_PATH=$(tedge config get c8y.proxy.cert_path) |
C8Y_PROXY_KEY_PATH=$(tedge config get c8y.proxy.key_path) |
C8Y_PROXY_CA_PATH=$(tedge config get c8y.proxy.ca_path) |
_curl_via_http() { |
API_URL="${1#/}" |
shift |
curl -f -H "Accept: application/json" "http://${C8Y_PROXY_HOST}:${C8Y_PROXY_PORT}/c8y/${API_URL}" "$@" |
} |
_curl_via_https() { |
API_URL="${1#/}" |
shift |
curl -f -H "Accept: application/json" "https://${C8Y_PROXY_HOST}:${C8Y_PROXY_PORT}/c8y/${API_URL}" --capath "$C8Y_PROXY_CA_PATH" --key "$C8Y_PROXY_KEY_PATH" --cert "$C8Y_PROXY_CERT_PATH" "$@" |
} |
c8y_api() { |
"$_curl_cmd" "$@" |
} |
# Activate which curl command will be used for the c8y api calls (e.g. with or without local cert authentication) |
_curl_cmd=_curl_via_http |
if [ -n "$C8Y_PROXY_KEY_PATH" ] && [ -n "$C8Y_PROXY_CERT_PATH" ] && [ -n "$C8Y_PROXY_CA_PATH" ]; then |
_curl_cmd=_curl_via_https |
fi |
################################ |
# API Commands |
################################ |
# Get the managed object id from a given external identity |
get_id_from_external_identity() { |
RESPONSE=$(c8y_api "identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/$EXTERNAL_IDENTITY" --silent) |
echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.managedObject.id' |
} |
# Upload file by first creating an event, then attaching the given binary to it |
upload_file() { |
FILE="$1" |
echo "Uploading file: file=$FILE, external_id=$SOURCE_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY" >&2 |
FILE_NAME=$(basename "$FILE") |
SOURCE_ID=$(get_id_from_external_identity "$SOURCE_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY") |
TIME=$(date -Iseconds) |
# Create c8y event (and get the id of the created event) |
c8y_api "event/events" \ |
-XPOST \ |
--silent \ |
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ |
-d "{ |
\"source\": { |
\"id\": \"$SOURCE_ID\" |
}, |
\"text\":\"Custom file upload: $FILE_NAME\", |
\"type\":\"file_upload_$FILE_NAME\", |
\"time\":\"$TIME\" |
}" |
) |
EVENT_ID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.id') |
# Upload/attached binary to an event |
RESPONSE=$(c8y_api "event/events/$EVENT_ID/binaries" -XPOST -F file="@$FILE") |
echo "$RESPONSE" |
echo "Successfully uploaded file" >&2 |
} |
################################ |
# main |
################################ |
help() { |
cat << EOT |
Upload files to Cumulocity IoT by creating an event and uploading a given file to it. |
$0 [OPTIONS] <FILE...> |
--identity <name> External identity. Defaults to the thin-edge.io device.id (e.g. the main device) |
--help, -h Show this help |
$0 ./mylocalfile.txt |
# Upload mylocalfile.txt to the main device |
$0 ./mylocalfile.txt ./otherfile.zip |
# Upload multiple files to the main device (one event per file) |
$0 ./mylocalfile.txt --identity "my_child_device01" |
# Upload mylocalfile.txt to a child device, though you need to know the full c8y child external identity |
} |
FILES=() |
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do |
case "$1" in |
--identity) |
shift |
;; |
--help|-h) |
help |
exit 0 |
;; |
--*|-*) |
echo "Unknown flag. $1" >&2 |
exit 1 |
;; |
*) |
FILES+=( |
"$1" |
) |
;; |
esac |
shift |
done |
if [ "${#FILES[@]}" -lt 1 ]; then |
echo "Missing file/s. You need to provided at least 1 file path" >&2 |
help |
exit 1 |
fi |
for file in "${FILES[@]}"; do |
upload_file "$file" "$TARGET_IDENTITY" |
done |