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Last active June 16, 2016 04:40
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Angular 2 i18n module idea
"login-with": "Login with {r0}",
"try-without-acc": "Try without an account",
"new-notifications": {
"string": "You have {p0}",
"plural": {
"p0": { "zero": "no notifications", "one": "one notification", "other": "# notifications"}
"found-x-in-nth-cat": {
"string": "{s0} found {p1} in the {o2} category",
"s0": {"male": "He", "female": "She", "multiple": "They"},
"p1": {"zero": "no results", "one": "one result", "other": "# results"},
"p2": {"one": "#st", "two": "#nd", "few": "#rd", "other": "#th"}
"login-with": "Entrar com {r0}",
"try-without-acc": "Experimentar sem logar",
"new-notifications": {
"string": "Você {p0}.",
"p0": {
"zero": "não tem nenhuma notificação",
"one": "tem uma notificação",
"other": "tem # noficicações"
"found-x-in-nth-cat": {
"string": "{s0} {p1} in the {o2} category.",
"s0": {"male": "Ele {p1.0} encontrou", "female": "Ela {p1.0} encontrou", "other": "Eles %p1.0 encontraram"},
"p1": {"zero": "nenhum resultado", "one": "um resultado", "other": "# resultados"},
"p1.0": {"zero": "não", "other": ""},
"p2": {"other": "#ª"}

tldr: ng2-translate, but with positional instead of named arguments, and the support for pluralization, ordinals and a "switch statement" from MessageFormat, with a simpler JSON format that does away with the need for a parser.

Translations are stored in JSON format.

Each translation is stored and retrieved with a key.

Translations can use positional placeholders to be replaced by variables, which are passed as an array of String and/or Number values.

The {r0} placeholder is replaced with the first value from the input array, the {r1} is replaced with the second and so on.

Besides simple replacement, there are other three special placeholders: The Plural placeholder {p0}, the Ordinal placeholder {o0} and the Select or Switch placeholder {s0}. These are inspired by @SlexAxton/messageformat.js, and use the same ICU keys where applicable (zero, one, two, few, many, other).

When the Plural placeholder {p0} is used, the translation file can provide nouns for the appropriate ICU keys (zero, one, many etc.)

For the Selector or Switch placeholder {s0}, the translation file can provide a map of arbitrary keys and values.

Finally, for the Ordinal placeholder {o0}, the translation file can provide the appropriate ordinal number translations.

In addition to the placeholders in the translated string, values passed to the Plural, Selector/Switc and Ordinal placeholders can themselves contain Nested Placeholders in the format {(p|s|o)<input_index>.<arbitrary_key>}. For example: {p0.1}.

An Angular service would be provided to select and load language JSON files, as well as a simple translate(msg:string, input:Array) method.

A TranslatePipe could be provided as well, mimicking @ocombe/ng2-translate:

  template: `
    <div class="notifications">{{ "new-notifications" | translate[unreadNotifications.length] }}</div>
    <a (click)="loginWithGoogle()">{{ "login-with" | translate["Google"] }}</a>
    <a (click)="loginWithGitHub()">{{ "login-with" | translate["GitHub"] }}</a>
    <div class="assistant-research-results">
      {{ "found-x-in-nth-cat" | tanslate[assistant.gender, results.length, category.index] }}

This gist includes the example translation files en.json and pt.json. Note that in the Portuguese translation, one of the replacement values required a Nested Replacement, written as {p1.0}.

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