I hereby claim:
- I am reverendpaco on github.
- I am reverend_paco (https://keybase.io/reverend_paco) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASB5p5DKzM53ePcNbBUtjDq-xieXECxljY75e_Dy_z6OTQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
let dqlParser2 = peg("top_level", stack: ParseStack): | |
top_level <- goal * end_marker | |
S <- *Space | |
end_marker <- "." | |
goal <- S * predicate * S * *( separator * S * goal) * *(unary_op) | |
unary_op <- S * "|>" * S * "UN" * S | |
separator <- "," | |
predicate <- named_predicate | selection_stuff | group | |
selection_stuff <- "SEL" | |
group <- "GROUP" |
@@grammar::dql | |
############### top markers used by the parser for different contexts | |
start_query | |
= | |
@:top_goal end_marker $ | |
; | |
start_consult |
xaxis(x) AS (VALUES(-2.0) UNION ALL SELECT x+0.05 FROM xaxis WHERE x<1.2), | |
yaxis(y) AS (VALUES(-1.0) UNION ALL SELECT y+0.1 FROM yaxis WHERE y<1.0), | |
m(iter, cx, cy, x, y) AS ( | |
SELECT 0, x, y, 0.0, 0.0 FROM xaxis, yaxis | |
SELECT iter+1, cx, cy, x*x-y*y + cx, 2.0*x*y + cy FROM m | |
WHERE (x*x + y*y) < 4.0 AND iter<28 | |
), | |
m2(iter, cx, cy) AS ( |
male(terah). | |
male(abraham). | |
male(nahor). | |
male(haran). | |
male(isaac). | |
male(ismael). | |
male(jacob). | |
female(sarah). | |
female(hagar). |
curl -L http://tinyurl.com/DanielVim | |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import math | |
def vpcnum(n): | |
Y,X = math.modf( (n-1)/float(16) ) | |
x = "10.{0}.{1}.0".format(int(X),int(Y*256)) | |
return x | |
def client(n): | |
clientNum = (n*2 + 16) | |
return (vpcnum(clientNum-1),vpcnum(clientNum)) |
queryNode source node = bool | |
where (bool,_) = queryNodeWithPath source node [] | |
queryNodeWithPath :: (Ord a) => [a] -> TrieNode a -> [[a]] -> (Bool,[[a]]) | |
queryNodeWithPath source@(s:_) node@TrieNode{ nodeType = Top, children=ch} acc | |
| Map.member s ch = queryNodeWithPath source (ch ! s) acc | |
| otherwise = (False,acc) | |
queryNodeWithPath source node@TrieNode{ wordFragment = target, nodeType=nT, children=ch } acc = case matchData of | |
ExactMatchDatum {shared=source} | |
| nT == Word -> (True, (target:acc)) |
-- this will be the complicated case | |
insertNode contextNode@TrieNode{children=childNodes,nodeType=oldNodeType} | |
SharedPrefixDatum { shared = sharedPrefix , | |
suffixS = sourceSuffix@(s:ss), | |
suffixT = targetSuffix@(t:ts)} | |
= newForkNode {children = ourTwoNewNodes } | |
where newForkNode = nonWordNode sharedPrefix | |
ourTwoNewNodes = Map.fromList [(s,newSourceSuffixNode),(t,newTargetSuffixNode) ] | |
newSourceSuffixNode = wordNode sourceSuffix | |
newTargetSuffixNode = contextNode{ wordFragment = targetSuffix} |
-- the following is for trie nodes where the source is smaller | |
insertNode contextNode@TrieNode{children=childNodes,nodeType=oldNodeType} | |
SourceIsSmallerDatum {pre=source, | |
suffixT= suffixStringOfTarget} | |
= contextNode{ wordFragment = source, | |
nodeType = Word, | |
children= slidNode *-> childNodes } | |
where slidNode = contextNode{wordFragment=suffixStringOfTarget,nodeType=oldNodeType} |