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Created May 28, 2021 10:13
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Nginx location, proxy_pass path/subdir missing

NGINX location with proxy_pass

Example configuration

location /example {
  set $exampleVariable "examplePath";
  proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/$exampleVariable;

Example url

Expected behaviour

We expect the proxy_pass to request the uri "http://localhost:8080/$exampleVariable/my/sub/dir".

Actual behaviour

The proxy_pass uri looks like that "http://localhost:8080/$exampleVariable"


Not found out so far, but based on the example above its clear, that a variable in the proxy_pass uri is causing the loss of the received location path.

Possible workarounds

  1. Don't use variables in your proxy_pass
  2. Update the location like that
location /example {
  set $exampleVariable "examplePath";
  rewrite ^\/example\/(.*)$ /$1 break;
  proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/$exampleVariable/$1;
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