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Created November 18, 2022 20:14
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Generate a random 64 bit integer in python
from uuid import uuid4
_8_bit_mask = 0b11111111
_24_bit_mask = 0b11111111_11111111_11111111
def generate_random_64_bit_number():
u = uuid4()
return (
((u.node & _24_bit_mask) << 40)
+ ((u.clock_seq_hi_variant & _8_bit_mask) << 32)
+ ((u.clock_seq_low & _8_bit_mask) << 24)
+ ((u.time_hi_version & _8_bit_mask) << 16)
+ ((u.time_mid & _8_bit_mask) << 8)
+ u.time_low
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