Use the v8 log to symbolicate linux perf output without having to upgrade yo node. This works with node v0.10. v0.11 has a slightly different v8 log file format so it won't quite work but a similar technique would work.
Run node like this
$ node --logfile="/tmp/node-%p.log" --nocompact_code_space --log_code program.js
Get some perf samples
$ perf record -e cycles:u -g -p $PID
Then convert the v8 log file to a perf map
$ node convert.js /tmp/node-$PID.log > /tmp/perf-$
Extract trace from file
$ perf script > perf-script.txt
And make a flame graph
cat perf-script.txt | flamegraph --inputtype perf > perf-graph.svg
The process works, but my flame graphs basically show two horizontal bars. Doesn't seem like anything of value is captured. Does this still work with node