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Created August 18, 2022 23:20
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Convert a pre-v1.19.0 in-volume database marker to current usage
# convert the marker on an old pre-ddev v1.19 database to current usage
# See issue at
# First argument should be the project name
# Second argument is the correct value you want, for example,
# mariadb_10.2 or mysql_8.0
# Example: bash fe-kuerschnersmart mariadb_10.2
if [ $# != 2 ]; then
echo "Please run this with '$0 <projectname> dbtype_dbversion', for example '$0 myproject mariadb_10.3'" && exit 1
set -x
docker run -it --rm -v ${project}-mariadb:/tmp/db busybox sh -c "echo $db_type > /tmp/db/db_mariadb_version.txt"
set +x
echo -n "your in-volume database type_version is now "
docker run -it --rm -v ${project}-mariadb:/tmp/db busybox sh -c 'cat /tmp/db/db_mariadb_version.txt'
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