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Created May 10, 2022 22:25
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  • Save rfay/2a6eff22f05ac9e0668306d9e49d02f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rfay/2a6eff22f05ac9e0668306d9e49d02f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Failure installing dd-ext:0.5.2
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker extension install slimdotai/dd-ext:0.5.2
Extensions can install binaries, invoke commands and access files on your machine.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Installing new extension "slimdotai/dd-ext:0.5.2"
Installing service in Desktop VM...
Setting additional compose attributes
VM service started
executing 'docker cp d38acd41dae136949c71353d021d98aa6dbb801f6f67579b87f798746097f542:/codi.svg C:\Users\randy\AppData\Roaming\Docker\extensions\slimdotai_dd-ext\codi.svg' : exit status 1:
Error response from daemon: i/o timeout
Removing extension slimdotai/dd-ext:0.5.2...
Removing extension VM service...
Extension removed from Desktop VM
VM service socket forwarding stopped
Extension UI tab removed
Extension "" removed
1 error occurred:
* removing extension image slimdotai/dd-ext:0.5.2
installation could not be completed due to: executing 'docker cp d38acd41dae136949c71353d021d98aa6dbb801f6f67579b87f798746097f542:/codi.svg C:\Users\randy\AppData\Roaming\Docker\extensions\slimdotai_dd-ext\codi.svg' : exit status 1:
Error response from daemon: i/o timeout
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ghost commented May 11, 2022

I am not quite sure what is going on there. It appears to be something in Docker Desktop itself. I verified the file exists in the image, which would point to something related to the docker extension command or docker daemon/VM itself on Windows. Have you reached out to the community channel for docker on Slack?

  1. pulled the indicated version
$ docker pull slimdotai/dd-ext:0.5.2
0.5.2: Pulling from slimdotai/dd-ext
d5fd17ec1767: Already exists
7b696d18d990: Pull complete
15178e835bc7: Pull complete
d41fa051a1fe: Pull complete
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete
64b19aecd740: Pull complete
0cf4b94745a8: Pull complete
2477f2b15e07: Pull complete
bf9aa705baf6: Pull complete
45a752eb0d9d: Pull complete
38ffb26841b5: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:58ff1c3dc504af6112d02ce6bdba0315ebf971b461f306a9935d04908e4b4e96
Status: Downloaded newer image for slimdotai/dd-ext:0.5.2
  1. Verified the file exists and has contents.
$ docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash slimdotai/dd-ext:0.5.2
root@1d919e2b1604:/project# cd /
root@1d919e2b1604:/# ls
bin  boot  codi.svg  dev  docker-compose.yaml  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  libx32  media  metadata.json  mnt  opt  proc  project  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  ui  usr  var
root@1d919e2b1604:/# cat codi.svg
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 25.3.1, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
	 viewBox="0 0 777.8 514.8" style="enable-background:new 0 0 777.8 514.8;" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
svg {
        color-scheme:light dark;
      @media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) {
        svg {
          fill: #FFFFFF;
      @media (prefers-color-scheme:white) {
        svg {
          fill: #1D1D1D;
<g id="Master_Logo_Artwork">
<g id="full-rgb">
		<a xlink:href="74.2349019607843" >
			<path id="fullLogo_8_" class="st0" d="M200.8,289.3c5.8-7.2,4.7-17.6-2.5-23.4s-17.6-4.7-23.4,2.5l-22.1,27.4
		<a xlink:href="74.2349019607843" >
			<path id="fullLogo_7_" class="st0" d="M493.9,289.3c5.8-7.2,4.7-17.6-2.5-23.4s-17.6-4.7-23.4,2.5l-22.1,27.4
		<a xlink:href="74.2349019607843" >
			<path id="fullLogo_6_" class="st0" d="M385.5,377.8c-8-4.6-18.2-1.9-22.8,6.1c-7.7,13.4-22.1,21.7-37.5,21.7s-29.8-8.3-37.5-21.7
		<path id="fullLogo_5_" class="st0" d="M681.2,224.7c-5.6-2.3-9.4-7.5-9.9-13.5c-2.1-24-7.9-47.3-17.3-69.5
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<g id="gray-rgb">

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rfay commented May 11, 2022

Thanks for responding. My only intent was to try out your new extension, but I failed. I'll give it a try again on a different OS or with a new revision as it matures. I just wanted to report this issue to you, hoped that maybe you'd understand it.

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ghost commented May 19, 2022

@rfay I am working on a new incarnation of the extension - which should be coming out very soon. And hopefully is MUCH more stable :_ It was tested on Windows, Linux, Mac... so should be OK... When that drops, I will be sure to ping you back here. I'd love to get your feed back.

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ghost commented May 19, 2022

Oh - BTW - one thought on DD. I upgraded recently and found docker-extension needed to be upgraded as well. The release link is here:

I might recommend getting the updated version of the docker-extension to match the current Docker Desktop install.

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rfay commented May 19, 2022

Thanks - is that true with yesterday's 4.5.2 as well? Seems like there might be a build problem if so

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Curious if you are still running into issues getting the slim extension installed??

On a relatively clean windows environment I was able to download Docker Desktop 4.8.2 & 0.2.4 of the extension cli.

I was then able to pull the latest slim extension docker pull slimdotai/dd-ext:0.7.2.

Some system information that you may find useful:

This is what my UI looked like once I got in (I had also installed the Anchore extension for testing purposes):

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rfay commented May 26, 2022

Thanks for the ping. I haven't tried it again, was waiting for the dust to settle.

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rfay commented Jun 11, 2022

Thanks so much - I installed this from the marketplace on Docker Desktop 4.9.0 and it installed fine. The feature that was exciting was the image comparison feature; I enjoyed working with it and it did help catch a bug in my application.

One thing I note: I have to restart Docker Desktop if one of the two images I'm comparing changes, there doesn't seem to be a way to refresh.

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I think we may have shipped out a patch to this problem.

Been running some tests on the most recent version of the extension. Currently, if I run new docker build commands to create an image of name $FOO with tag $BAR, my diff view will display the following.

Screenshot (502)

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rfay commented Jun 28, 2022


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