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Last active December 2, 2020 17:27
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  • Save rfay/361c4e1df165774a5262268ef6768884 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rfay/361c4e1df165774a5262268ef6768884 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - simple way to see if ddev is working
# Please run this script with "bash"
# You can copy and paste it (make a file named
# Or use curl or wget to download the *raw* version.
# If you're on Windows (not WSL2) please run it in a git-bash window
# When you are reporting an issue, please include the full output of this script.
# If you have NFS enabled globally, please temporarily disable it with
# `ddev config global --nfs-mount-enabled=false`
function cleanup {
printf "\nPlease delete this project after debugging with 'ddev delete -Oy ${PROJECT_NAME}'\n"
trap cleanup EXIT
set -x
uname -a
ddev --version
ddev version
ls -l "$(which docker)"
docker version
ddev poweroff
docker ps -a
docker run -it --rm busybox ls
mkdir -p ~/tmp/${PROJECT_NAME} && cd ~/tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}
printf "<?php\nprint 'ddev is working. You will want to delete this project with \"ddev delete -Oy ${PROJECT_NAME}\"';\n" >index.php
ddev config --project-type=php
ddev start || ( \
set +x && \
ddev list && \
printf "========= web container healthcheck ======\n" && \
docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" ddev-${PROJECT_NAME}-web && \
printf "============= ddev-router healthcheck =========\n" && \
docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" ddev-router && \
ddev logs >logs.txt && \
printf "Start failed. Please provide this output and the contents of ~/tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}/logs.txt in a gist at\n" && \
exit 1 )
ddev launch
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