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Created August 23, 2016 11:01
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How to add filters to release note generation
function Get-Mode
$returnvalue = "" | Select-Object -Property mode, skipLogic
$mode = [Mode]::BODY
if ($line.StartsWith("@@WILOOP@@")) {$mode = [Mode]::WI}
if ($line.StartsWith("@@CSLOOP@@")) {$mode = [Mode]::CS}
if ($line.StartsWith("@@BUILDLOOP@@")) {$mode = [Mode]::BUILD}
$returnvalue.Mode = $mode
if ($mode -ne [Mode]::BODY)
#check if there is any filter logic
$array = $line -split ' ',2
if ( $array[1] -eq $null)
$returnvalue.skipLogic = " " # use a space as command
} else
$returnvalue.skipLogic = $array[1]
function Render() {
param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $str)
#buggy in V4 seems ok in older and newer
"@`"`n$str`n`"@" | iex
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Mode
"A line with a filter"
$myval = 'hello'
$line = "@@WILOOP@@ ('`$myval' -eq 'hello') "
$x = Get-Mode $line
" The line mode is - $($x.mode)"
" The filter logic is - $($x.skiplogic)"
" The render does not exec the filter test, just expands the variable - $($x.skipLogic | render)"
" The invoke does evaluates the filter test - $(Invoke-Expression $x.skipLogic)"
"A line with no filter"
$myval = 'hello'
$line = "@@WILOOP@@"
$x = Get-Mode $line
" The line mode is - $($x.mode)"
" The filter logic is - $($x.skiplogic)"
" The render does not exec the filter test, just expands the variable - $($x.skipLogic | render)"
" The invoke does evaluates the filter test - $(Invoke-Expression $x.skipLogic)"
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For discussion of the background to this sample see Issue #35

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