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Last active August 30, 2024 09:12
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Azure DevOps Custom Maintenance Jobs

These blocks of Azure DevOps Pipeline YAML can be used to scan for all the active build agents on an Azure DevOps instance and trigger a build on each.

The setup of the permissions as to how to setup these pipeline is detailed in this post which is an updated version of this post

# This is the pipeline that runs any scheduled maintainance jobs
# we wish to run in addition to the built in Azure DevOps Maintainance jobs
# The parameters to target each pool and agent
- name: pool
- name: agent
- name: nvdapikey
# We cannot use to the parameters directly else we get a 'A template expression is not allowed in this context'
# However, if we alias them with a variable they work
- name: pool
value: ${{parameters.pool}}
- name: agent
value: ${{parameters.agent}}
- name: nvdapikey
value: ${{parameters.nvdapikey}}
trigger: none
name: "$(pool)"
demands: Agent.Name -equals $(agent)
# wherever steps up wish to run on each agent
# See
# filter to limit the scope of agent pools to consider
- name: PoolNamePrefix
value: "BM-"
# the pipeline to run on each agent
- name: BuildDefintion
value: "ScheduledMaintenanceBuild"
trigger: none
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
displayName: Daily midnight build
always: true
- main
name: BM-VS2022
- task: AzureCLI@2
# The Azure Subscription is the link to a Service Principle
# with permission to access the agent pools and queue builds
azureSubscription: 'ScheduledMaintainanceJobs'
scriptType: 'pscore'
scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
inlineScript: |
write-host "Find the agent pools with the prefix '$(PoolNamePrefix)'"
$Pools = $(az pipelines pool list --organization $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) --query "[? (starts_with(name,'$(PoolNamePrefix)'))].[id,name]" --output tsv)
write-host "$($Pools.count) found"
foreach ($pool in $pools) {
# ugly but works with tsv format data
$poolSplit = $pool.Split("`t")
$poolID = $poolSplit[0]
$poolName = $poolSplit[1]
write-host "Find the agents the pool '$poolName'"
$Agents = az pipelines agent list --organization $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) --pool-id $PoolID --query "[?enabled].name" --output tsv
foreach ($Agent in $Agents) {
# trigger a build that uses agent-scheduled-job-yml
$buildNameid = $(az pipelines run --organization $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) --name $(BuildDefintion) --project $(System.TeamProject) --parameters "pool=$PoolName" "agent=$Agent" "nvdapikey=$(nvdapikey)" --query "name" --output tsv )
Write-host "Queued build $buildNameid on $agent"
displayName: 'Trigger maintainance builds on all active agents'
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