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Created October 27, 2011 07:41
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RSpec example
require 'spec_helper'
class ObjectiveFailure
def valid?
def children
def name
describe ObjectiveFailure do
it { should be_valid }
it { should have(3).children }
its(:children) { should include('amelia') }
its(:name) { should eql("barry") }
# Output:
# Iggy:spec russ$ rspec my_example_spec.rb
# Failures:
# 1) ObjectiveFailure
# Failure/Error: it { should be_valid }
# expected valid? to return true, got false
# # ./my_example_spec.rb:16:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# 2) ObjectiveFailure
# Failure/Error: it { should have(3).children }
# expected 3 children, got 1
# # ./my_example_spec.rb:17:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# 3) ObjectiveFailure children
# Failure/Error: its(:children) { should include('amelia') }
# expected ["ted"] to include "amelia"
# Diff:
# @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# -amelia
# +["ted"]
# # ./my_example_spec.rb:18:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# 4) ObjectiveFailure name
# Failure/Error: its(:name) { should eql("barry") }
# expected "barry"
# got nil
# (compared using eql?)
# # ./my_example_spec.rb:19:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# Finished in 0.32004 seconds
# 4 examples, 4 failures
# Failed examples:
# rspec ./my_example_spec.rb:16 # ObjectiveFailure
# rspec ./my_example_spec.rb:17 # ObjectiveFailure
# rspec ./my_example_spec.rb:18 # ObjectiveFailure children
# rspec ./my_example_spec.rb:19 # ObjectiveFailure name
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