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Tiny Inflate for Rebol 2
Rebol [
Title: "Tiny Inflate"
Date: 10-Dec-2021
Author: "Christopher Ross-Gill"
Version: 1.0.3
Type: 'module
Name: 'rgchris.inflate
Exports: [inflate]
History: [
10-Dec-2021 1.0.3
10-Dec-2021 1.0.3 "Original transcription from JavaScript"
tinf: make object! [
new-tree: func [] [
reduce [
'table array/initial 16 0 ; table of code length counts
'trans array/initial 288 0 ; code -> symbol translation
new-data: func [
make object! compose [
source: (source)
index: 0
tag: 0
bitcount: 0
target: (target)
length: 0
ltree: new-tree ; dynamic length/symbol tree
dtree: new-tree ; dynamic distance tree
; -- uninitialized global data (static structures) --
; ---------------------------------------------------
sltree: new-tree
sdtree: new-tree
; extra bits and base tables for length codes
length_bits: array/initial 30 0
length_base: array/initial 30 0 ; Uint16Array
; extra bits and base tables for distance codes
dist_bits: array/initial 30 0
dist_base: array/initial 30 0 ; Uint16Array
; special ordering of code length codes */
clcidx: [
16 17 18 0 8 7 9 6
10 5 11 4 12 3 13 2
14 1 15
; used by tinf_decode_trees, avoids allocations every call
code_tree: new-tree
lengths: array/initial 288 + 32 0
; -- utility functions --
; -----------------------
; build extra bits and base tables
tinf_build_bits_base: func [
bits [block!]
delta [integer!]
/local sum
sum: first
; build bits table
change bits array/initial delta 0
repeat i 30 - delta [
poke bits i + delta to integer! any [
attempt [(i - 1) / delta]
; build base table
repeat i 30 [
poke base i sum
sum: sum + shift/left 1 bits/:i
; build the fixed huffman trees
tinf_build_fixed_trees: func [
; build fixed-length tree
change lt/table [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 152 112
repeat i 24 [
poke lt/trans i 255 + i
repeat i 144 [
poke lt/trans 24 + i i - 1
repeat i 8 [
poke lt/trans 24 + 144 + i 279 + i
repeat i 112 [
poke lt/trans 24 + 144 + 8 + i 143 + i
; build fixed distance tree
change dt/table [
0 0 0 0 0 32
repeat i 32 [
poke dt/trans i i - 1
; given an array of code lengths, build a tree
offs: array/initial 16 0
tinf_build_tree: func [
/local sum
; clear code length count table
change t/table array/initial 16 0
; scan symbol lengths, and sum code length counts
repeat i num [
poke t/table 1 + lengths/(off + i) 1 + t/table/(1 + lengths/(off + i))
change t/table 0
; compute offset table for distribution sort
sum: 0
repeat i 16 [
poke offs i sum
sum: sum + pick t/table i
; create code->symbol translation table (symbols sorted by code)
repeat i num [
if lengths/(off + i) > 0 [
poke t/trans 1 + offs/(1 + lengths/(off + i)) i - 1
poke offs 1 + lengths/(off + i) 1 + offs/(1 + lengths/(off + i))
; -- decode functions --
; ----------------------
; get one bit from source stream
tinf_getbit: func [
/local bit
; check if tag is empty
if zero? d/bitcount [
; load next tag
d/tag: d/source/1
d/bitcount: 8
d/source: next d/source
d/bitcount: d/bitcount - 1
; shift bit out of tag
bit: d/tag and 1
d/tag: shift/logical d/tag 1
; read a num bit value from a stream and add base
tinf_read_bits: func [
num [integer!]
/local val
either zero? num [
while [
d/bitcount < 24
d/tag: d/tag or shift/left any [d/source/1 0] d/bitcount
d/source: next d/source
d/bitcount: d/bitcount + 8
val: d/tag and shift/logical 65535 16 - num
d/tag: shift/logical d/tag num
d/bitcount: d/bitcount - num
val + base
; given a data stream and a tree, decode a symbol
tinf_decode_symbol: func [
/local sum cur len tag
while [
d/bitcount < 24
d/tag: d/tag or shift/left any [d/source/1 0] d/bitcount
d/source: next d/source
d/bitcount: d/bitcount + 8
sum: 0
cur: 0
len: 0
tag: d/tag
; get more bits while code value is above sum
until [
cur: 2 * cur + (tag and 1)
tag: shift/logical tag 1
len: len + 1
sum: sum + pick t/table len + 1
cur: cur - pick t/table len + 1
cur < 0
d/tag: tag
d/bitcount: d/bitcount - len
pick t/trans sum + cur + 1
; given a data stream, decode dynamic trees from it
tinf_decode_trees: func [
hlit hdist hclen
num length
clen sym prev
; get 5 bits HLIT (257-286)
hlit: tinf_read_bits d 5 257
; get 5 bits HDIST (1-32)
hdist: tinf_read_bits d 5 1
; get 4 bits HCLEN (4-19)
hclen: tinf_read_bits d 4 4
change lengths array/initial 19 0
; read code lengths for code length alphabet
repeat i hclen [
; get 3 bits code length (0-7)
clen: tinf_read_bits d 3 0
poke lengths clcidx/:i + 1 clen
; build code length tree
tinf_build_tree code_tree lengths 0 19
; decode code lengths for the dynamic trees
num: 1
while [num < (hlit + hdist + 1)] [
sym: tinf_decode_symbol d code_tree
switch/default sym [
16 [
; copy previous code length 3-6 times (read 2 bits)
prev: pick lengths num - 1
length: tinf_read_bits d 2 3
while [length > 0] [
poke lengths num prev
num: num + 1
length: length - 1
17 [
; repeat code length 0 for 3-10 times (read 3 bits)
length: tinf_read_bits d 3 3
while [length > 0] [
poke lengths num 0
num: num + 1
length: length - 1
18 [
; repeat code length 0 for 11-138 times (read 7 bits)
length: tinf_read_bits d 7 11
while [length > 0] [
; probe num
poke lengths num 0
num: num + 1
length: length - 1
; values 0-15 represent the actual code lengths
poke lengths num sym
num: num + 1
; build dynamic trees
tinf_build_tree lt lengths 0 hlit
tinf_build_tree dt lengths hlit hdist
; -- block inflate functions --
; -----------------------------
; given a stream and two trees, inflate a block of data
tinf_inflate_block_data: func [
d lt dt
/local sym length dist offs
until [
sym: tinf_decode_symbol d lt
case [
sym == 256 [
sym < 256 [
append d/target to char! sym
<else> [
sym: sym - 257
; possibly get more bits from length code
length: tinf_read_bits d length_bits/(sym + 1) length_base/(sym + 1)
dist: tinf_decode_symbol d dt
; possibly get more bits from distance code
offs: (length? d/target) - tinf_read_bits d dist_bits/(dist + 1) dist_base/(dist + 1)
; copy match
repeat i length [
append d/target to char! pick d/target i + offs
; inflate an uncompressed block of data
tinf_inflate_uncompressed_block: func [
/local length invlength
; unread from bitbuffer
while [d.bitcount > 8] [
d/source: back d/source
d/bitcount: d/bitcount - 8
; get length
length: 256 * d/source/2 + d/source/1
; get one's complement of length
invlength = 256 * d/source/4 + d/source/3
; check length
either length <> (65535 and complement invlength) [
d/source: skip d/source 4
; copy block
repeat i length [
append d/target to char! d/source/1
d/source: next d/source
; make sure we start next block on a byte boundary
d/bitcount: 0
; inflate stream from source to dest
tinf_uncompress: func [
source dest
/local d bfinal btype res
d: new-data source dest
until [
; read final block flag
bfinal: tinf_getbit d
; read block type (2 bits)
btype: tinf_read_bits d 2 0
; decompress block
switch/default btype [
0 [
; decompress uncompressed block
res: tinf_inflate_uncompressed_block d
1 [
; decompress block with fixed huffman trees
res: tinf_inflate_block_data d sltree sdtree
2 [
; decompress block with dynamic huffman trees
tinf_decode_trees d d/ltree d/dtree
res: tinf_inflate_block_data d d/ltree d/dtree
if res <> TINF_OK [
make error! "Data Error"
; -- initialization --
; --------------------
; build fixed huffman trees
tinf_build_fixed_trees sltree sdtree
; build extra bits and base tables
tinf_build_bits_base length_bits length_base 4 3
tinf_build_bits_base dist_bits dist_base 2 1
; fix a special case
length_bits/29: 0
length_base/29: 258
inflate: get in tinf 'tinf_uncompress

Workable, not perfect. Needs some polish and splicing was inadvertantly removed along the way 🤷‍♂️

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