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Created July 31, 2019 16:10
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Produce graphviz visualization of a complicated re-frame signal graph
"Generate a graphviz .dot from re-frame subscriptions.
Sometimes the signal graph can get hard to grok. These two fns hijack
re-frame's subscription registration to harvest these inter-sub dependencies
as data, at which point we can produce .dot syntax and rely on graphviz
(or .dot-compatible tools like Omnigraffle) for quick-and-dirty visualization.
- refer `subscribe` and `reg-sub` into subscription-registering
namespaces. (This is trivial if you've required re-frame as
`(:require [re-frame.core :refer [subscribe reg-sub])`).
- let figwheel (or whatever) eval the subs namespaces
- Use a repl-connected editor to eval `(print-graphviz-source)`. Harvest the
output and feed into graphviz."
(:require [re-frame.core]))
(defn subscribe
"Drop-in hack to just get the query id when called in the initial signals fn
of an L3 subscription. Leave as seq to make it easier to flatten/set later."
(take 1 query))
(def *edges (atom []))
(defn reg-sub
"Build up a seq of directed this-sub-relies-on-that edges in *edges as
code eval sets up all subscription handlers. Drop this into namespaces
where you want to build up a graph, in lieu of `re-frame.core/reg-sub`."
[query-id & args]
(case (count args)
; 1 (println (str "L2-" query-id)) ;; must be an L2
2 (let [signals-fn (first args) ;; must be an L3
signals (set (flatten (signals-fn)))]
(doseq [s signals]
(swap! *edges conj [s query-id])
#_(println (str s " -> " query-id))))
;; have already broken everything about the app here; not sure this is all
;; that useful to pass through the reg-sub
(apply re-frame.core/reg-sub query-id args))
(defn print-graphviz-source
(println "digraph G {")
(doseq [[origin dest] @*edges]
(println " \"" origin "\" -> \"" dest "\""))
(println "}"))
(reset! *edges [])
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