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Created January 18, 2019 04:16
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(ns rgm.kaocha-notifier
(:require [ :refer [sh]]))
;; special thanks for terminal-notify stuff to
(defmacro exists?
`(= 0 (:exit (sh "which" ~program))))
(defonce notification-type
(exists? "notify-send") :notify-send
(exists? "terminal-notifier") :terminal-notifier))
(def app-icon
(defmacro notify-send
[title body]
(case notification-type
:notify-send `(sh "notify-send" ~title ~body)
:terminal-notifier `(sh "terminal-notifier"
"-message" ~body
"-title" ~title
"-appIcon" app-icon)))
(defn summarize-result
"boil down a kaocha overall result to eg.
#:kaocha.result{:pass 169, :fail 1, :error 0}"
(->> result
(mapcat :kaocha.result/tests)
(mapcat :kaocha.result/tests)
(map #(select-keys % [:kaocha.result/pass :kaocha.result/fail :kaocha.result/error]))
(apply merge-with +)))
(defn passing?
(and (= 0 (:kaocha.result/error summary))
(= 0 (:kaocha.result/fail summary))))
(defn notification-hook
"kaocha post-run hook that sends a thumbs-up or thumbs-down notification
on the whole suite, so a `kaocha --watch` terminal process can be hidden
and generally ignored until it goes red.
Requires on mac
or `libnotify` on linux."
(let [{:keys [kaocha.result/pass
kaocha.result/error] :as summary}
(summarize-result result)]
(if (passing? summary)
(let [message (str pass
(if (= 1 pass) " assertion " " assertions ")
(notify-send "✅ Passing" message))
(let [total-fails (+ fail error)
message (str total-fails
(if (= 1 total-fails) " assertion " " assertions ")
"failed, " pass " succeeded")]
(notify-send "⛔️ Failing" message))))
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