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Created September 30, 2013 13:54
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$ver = $host | select version
if ($ver.Version.Major -gt 1) {$Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"}
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module WebAdministration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#This Script Creates SharePoint Web Applications
#Load Script Variables
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Creating Script Variables"
#This is the Web Application URL
$WebApplicationURL = ""
#This is the Display Name for the SharePoint Web Application
$WebApplicationName = "Contoso Web Application"
#This is the Content Database for the Web Application
$ContentDatabase = "Contoso_ContentDB"
#This is the Display Name for the Application Pool
$ApplicationPoolDisplayName = "Contoso App Pool"
#This is identity of the Application Pool which will be used (Domain\User)
$ApplicationPoolIdentity = "Contoso\ContentAppPool"
#This is the password of the Appliation Pool account which will be used
$ApplicationPoolPassword = "Passw0rd1"
#This is the Account which will be used for the Portal Super Reader Account
$PortalSuperReader = "Contoso\SuperReader"
#This is the Account which will be used for the Portal Super User Account
$PortalSuperUser = "Contoso\SuperUser"
#Begin Script
$AppPoolStatus = $False
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Checking if Web Application Already Exists"
if(get-spwebapplication $WebApplicationURL -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
#If a web application with the specifid URL already exists, exit
Write-Progress -Activity "Aborting Web Application Creation" -Status "Web Application with URL $WebApplication Already Exists"
Write-Host "Aborting: Web Application $WebApplicationURL Already Exists" -ForegroundColor Red
sleep 5
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Checking if Application Pool Already Exists"
#Check to see if the specified application pool alrady exists. If it exists, use the existing app pool
if($AppPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Re-Using Existing SharePoint Application Pool"
Set-Variable -Name AppPoolStatus -Value "IsSharePoint" -scope "script"
if((Test-Path IIS:\AppPools\$ApplicationPoolDisplayName).tostring() -eq "True")
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Application Pool with name $ApplicationPoolDisplayName exists and is not used by SharePoint"
Set-Variable -Name AppPoolStatus -Value "IsNotSharePoint" -scope "script"
if($AppPoolStatus -eq "IsNotSharePoint")
Write-Host "Aborting: Application Pool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName already exists on the server and is not a SharePoint Application Pool" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Aborting: SharePoint Cannot use the specified Application Pool"
elseif($AppPoolStatus -eq "IsSharePoint")
#Check to see if the URL starts with HTTP or HTTPS. This can be used to determine the appropriate host header to assign
$HostHeader = $WebApplicationURL.Substring(7)
$HTTPPort = "80"
$HostHeader = $WebApplicationURL.Substring(8)
$HTTPPort = "443"
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Application Pool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName Already Exists, Using Existing Application Pool"
#Grab the existing application pool, assign it to the AppPool variable
Set-Variable -Name AppPool -Value (Get-SPServiceApplicationPool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName) -scope "script"
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Creating Web Application $WebapplicationURL"
#Create a new web application using the existing parameters, assign it to the WebApp variable such that object cache user accounts can be configured
$WebApp = New-SPWebApplication -ApplicationPool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -Name $WebApplicationName -url $WebApplicationURL -port $HTTPPort -DatabaseName $ContentDatabase -HostHeader $hostHeader
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Configuring Object Cache Accounts"
#Assign Object Cache Accounts
$WebApp.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = $PortalSuperUser
$WebApp.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = $PortalSuperReader
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Creating Object Cache User Policies for Web Application"
#Create a New Policy for the Super User
$SuperUserPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperUser, "Portal Super User Account")
#Assign Full Control To the Super User
#Create a New Policy for the Super Reader
$SuperReaderPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperReader, "Portal Super Reader Account")
#Assign Full Read to the Super Reader
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Updating Web Application Properties"
#Commit changes to the web application
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Creating Application Pool"
#Since we have to create a new application pool, check to see if the account specified is already a managed account
if(get-spmanagedaccount $ApplicationPoolIdentity)
#If the specified account is already a managed account, use that account when creating a new application pool
Set-Variable -Name AppPoolManagedAccount -Value (Get-SPManagedAccount $ApplicationPoolIdentity | select username) -scope "Script"
Set-Variable -Name AppPool -Value (New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -Account $ApplicationPoolIdentity) -scope "Script"
#If the specified account is not already a managd account create a managed account using the credentials provided
$AppPoolCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $ApplicationPoolIdentity, (ConvertTo-SecureString $ApplicationPoolPassword -AsPlainText -Force)
Set-Variable -Name AppPoolManagedAccount -Value (New-SPManagedAccount -Credential $AppPoolCredentials) -scope "Script"
#Create an application pool using the new managed account
Set-Variable -Name AppPool -Value (New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -Account (get-spmanagedaccount $ApplicationPoolIdentity)) -scope "Script"
#Check to see if the URL starts with HTTP or HTTPS. This can be used to determine the appropriate host header to assign
$HostHeader = $WebApplicationURL.Substring(7)
$HTTPPort = "80"
$HostHeader = $WebApplicationURL.Substring(8)
$HTTPPort = "443"
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Creating Web Application $WebapplicationURL"
#Create a new web application using the existing parameters, assign it to the WebApp variable such that object cache user accounts can be configured
$WebApp = New-SPWebApplication -ApplicationPool $AppPool.Name -ApplicationPoolAccount $AppPoolManagedAccount.Username -Name $WebApplicationName -url $WebApplicationURL -port $HTTPPort -DatabaseName $ContentDatabase -HostHeader $hostHeader
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Configuring Object Cache Accounts"
#Assign Object Cache Accounts
$WebApp.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = $PortalSuperUser
$WebApp.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = $PortalSuperReader
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Creating Object Cache User Policies for Web Application"
#Create a New Policy for the Super User
$SuperUserPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperUser, "Portal Super User Account")
#Assign Full Control To the Super User
#Create a New Policy for the Super Reader
$SuperReaderPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperReader, "Portal Super Reader Account")
#ASsign Full Read to the Super Reader
Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Updating Web Application Properties"
#Commit changes to the web application
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