##list of speakers
- black girls code
- clojurebridge
- code and cupcakes
- code newbie
- geek girl carrots
- girls who code
- ladieslearningcode
- ladies who code
- nodeschool
- pyladies
- pystar
- rails bridge
- rails girls
- write speak code
- czechitas
- geekettes
- girl geek dinners
- Ggr8ladies
- lesbians who tech
- women who code
- unicorns in tech
- Technical Women speak too
- ladies in tech
- Twitter Women
- PHP Women
##Hackathons / Scholarships / Coding Schools
##Other resources:
- Callbackwomen - Multiplier: Spreading the word about CFPs for women etc.
This is no exhaustive list, just a collection of some of the workshops/mailinglists I know of. Comments/Add-ons are super welcome!