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Last active September 19, 2017 01:06
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Suppress certain console.errors
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const originalConsoleError = console.error;
export function restoreConsoleError() {
console.error = originalConsoleError;
export function createSuppressedConsoleError(ignoreThese = []) {
if (console.error === originalConsoleError) {
console.error = (...args) => {
let supress = false;
ignoreThese.forEach(ignore => {
if (args[0].indexOf(ignore) === 0) {
supress = true;
if (supress) return;, ...args);
// creates a sinon.spy instance
// wrapping console.error and
// adds additional method to it
// (spy.errorCallContainsOneOf)
// NOTE: requires you pass it sinon
export function createConsoleErrorSpy(sinon) {
if (!sinon) {
throw new Error('createConsoleErrorSpy requires you pass sinon to it');
const spy = sinon.spy(console, 'error');
spy.errorCallContainsOneOf = (messages = [], callIndex) => {
if (messages.length === 0 || typeof callIndex !== 'number') {
return 'errorsContainsOneOf requires an array of messages and an callIndex number';
if (!console.error.getCall) {
// the spy must have been `.restore()`d.
return 'the spy has either had no calls or has been restored';
const log = console.error.getCall(callIndex).args[0];
let bool = false;
messages.forEach(msg => {
if (log.indexOf(msg) === 0) {
bool = true;
return bool;
return spy;
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rhysburnie commented Sep 18, 2017

Created for usage in tests where you only care about if a tests throws and you don't want to see console.errors form the scripts in your terminal.

For example when testing a react component in AVA with a mock if I don't want to see reacts warnings.

UPDATE: Oooops bad example for AVA - only works if one test file - instead use a setup script (see bellow)

test.before(() => {
    'Warning: Failed prop type',
    'Warning: Failed child context type',
    'Warning: Failed context type',


Should work work fine with non parallel suites
Example something like:

// (untested)
beforeEach(() => {
    'Warning: Failed prop type',
    'Warning: Failed child context type',
    'Warning: Failed context type',

You can still detect if an error occured via a sinon spy:

Useful because it wont throw when there is no prop it only warns (but I dont want to see in in the test report)

const spy = sinon.spy(console, 'error');
t.notThrows(() => {
  TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<SomeComponentThatRequiredAProp />);
});, 1); // assuming only one prop required and no other warnings like children, context types  etc

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rhysburnie commented Sep 18, 2017

Create a sinon spy with additional method errorCallContainsOneOf

test(t => {
  const spyError = createConsoleErrorSpy(sinon);
  const expectedErrorLogs = [
     'Error: some error string that begins with' 
  console.error('Error: some error string that begins with (it looks for index 0 so you can use a common string at the beginning)');, 1);
  t.true(spyError.errorCallContainsOneOf(expectedErrorLogs, 0));
  spyError.restore(); // remove crap from console.error

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Examples in AVA but test suite agnostic (apart from the one that requires sinon)

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rhysburnie commented Sep 19, 2017


Turns out when using AVA you can't setup suppression for each test file due to it parallel nature.

So instead in AVA just sett all suppression up in a setup file


import './setup-browser-env';
import {
} from './console-utilities';

restoreConsoleError(); // in case previous is kept on --watch (not sure if it does)
  'Warning: Failed child context type',
  'Warning: Failed context type',
  'Warning: Failed prop type',

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