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Created September 27, 2014 13:22
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  • Save rhysgodfrey/7e31ef3db18cb4391a2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rhysgodfrey/7e31ef3db18cb4391a2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# The version number for this release
$versionNumber = $Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION
# The Commit SHA for corresponding to this release
# The notes to accompany this release, uses the commit message in this case
# The folder artifacts are built to
$artifactOutputDirectory = $Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER
# The name of the file to attach to this release
$artifact = ''
# The github username
$gitHubUsername = 'rhysgodfrey'
# The github repository name
$gitHubRepository = 'team-city-xunit-meta-runner'
# The github API key (
$gitHubApiKey = $Env:GitHubKey
# Set to true to mark this as a draft release (not visible to users)
$draft = $FALSE
# Set to true to mark this as a pre-release version
$preRelease = $TRUE
$releaseData = @{
tag_name = [string]::Format("v{0}", $versionNumber);
target_commitish = $commitId;
name = [string]::Format("v{0}", $versionNumber);
body = $releaseNotes;
draft = $draft;
prerelease = $preRelease;
$releaseParams = @{
Uri = "$gitHubUsername/$gitHubRepository/releases";
Method = 'POST';
Headers = @{
Authorization = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String(
[Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($gitHubApiKey + ":x-oauth-basic"));
ContentType = 'application/json';
Body = (ConvertTo-Json $releaseData -Compress)
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @releaseParams
$uploadUri = $result | Select -ExpandProperty upload_url
$uploadUri = $uploadUri -replace '\{\?name\}', "?name=$artifact"
$uploadFile = Join-Path -path $artifactOutputDirectory -childpath $artifact
$uploadParams = @{
Uri = $uploadUri;
Method = 'POST';
Headers = @{
Authorization = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String(
[Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($gitHubApiKey + ":x-oauth-basic"));
ContentType = 'application/zip';
InFile = $uploadFile
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @uploadParams
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