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Created December 22, 2010 20:14
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Adds classes to input elements in Internet Explorer according to it's type
// ================================================
// workaround para seletor de atributos type (ex: [type=text]) no IE6
// cria classe type_valorDoAtributo
// repetir no CSS (não pode estar no mesmo seletor):
// input[type=text] { x:y; }
// input.type_text { x:y; }
// -
if (! ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) )
return false;
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input')
, ln = inputs.length
, input
, type;
input = inputs[ln];
type = (input.getAttribute ? input.getAttribute('type') : input.type) || "text";
input.className = (input.className + ' type_' + type).replace(/^\s+/, '');
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