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Created October 1, 2020 23:11
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A example of how to create an informant for the `revenue` table (hosted on a PostgreSQL DB)
# Note: while this table is hosted on a database, the table can be obtained
# from the {intendo} package (
informant_revenue_postgres <-
read_fn =
~ db_tbl(
db = "postgres", dbname = "intendo", table = "revenue",
user = "PG_P_DB_USER", password = "PG_P_DB_PASS",
host = ""
tbl_name = "intendo::revenue",
label = "The **intendo** revenue table."
) %>%
info_tabular(description = "This table contains the daily revenue data for
Intendo's **Super Jetroid** game. All data is for the complete
year of 2015. Each row represents a single revenue by a user
`user_id` in a particular session `session_id`. Revenue could be
earned through ad views (where `type == 'ad'`) or through in-app
purchases.") %>%
info_columns("user_id", info = "This is the User ID field.") %>%
info_columns("session_id", info = "This is the Session ID field.") %>%
info = "ID fields like this one are unique.") %>%
info_columns("time", info = "This is a date-time field.") %>%
info_columns("time", info = "Even though it's a character column, the
times are in ISO-8601 format.") %>%
info = "These contain the names of buyable products.") %>%
info_columns("name", info = "Currently these products are {names}.") %>%
info_columns("size", info = "The `size` refers to the relative size of
the product. Ads are always `NULL` but products like `gold`
and `gems` have a size value.") %>%
info_columns("type", info = "These contain the names of buyable products.
Currently there are the following types: {types}.") %>%
info_snippet("types", fn = snip_list(column = "type")) %>%
info_snippet("names", fn = snip_list(column = "name", limit = Inf)) %>%
info_columns("price", info = "The price (in USD) for the product in
the `name` column. This value will always be greater than
the corresponding `revenue` value (30% higher).") %>%
info_columns("revenue", info = "The reported revenue (in USD) for the product.
The value may change up to 3-4 weeks after the sale date due
to processing of refunds.") %>%
info_columns("revenue", info = "The revenue total is ${revenue_total}.") %>%
info_columns(vars(price, revenue), info = "(PARTNER)") %>%
fn = ~ . %>%
dplyr::summarize(total = sum(revenue, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::pull(total)) %>%
info_columns(vars(name, type),
`person responsible` = "Rita Mercer ([email protected])") %>%
TODO = "Ensure that this becomes a `DATETIME` column.") %>%
database = "Data table hosted in a *PostgreSQL* database on
Digital Ocean (``). Email [email protected] for
access info.",
repo = "Original datasets available in the
[intendo repo](") %>%
get_informant_report(informant_revenue_postgres, size = "standard")
get_informant_report(informant_revenue_postgres, size = "small")
filename = "informant_revenue_postgres.rds",
path = here::here("tests/manual_tests")
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