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Created April 5, 2022 16:46
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An in-progress build of a gt table that uses the `2022-04-05/news_orgs.csv` TidyTuesday dataset
# Table reading
news_orgs <-
file = '',
col_types = cols(
publication_name = col_character(),
parent_publication = col_character(),
url = col_character(),
owner = col_character(),
is_owner_founder = col_character(),
city = col_character(),
state = col_character(),
country = col_character(),
primary_language = col_character(),
primary_language_other = col_logical(),
tax_status_founded = col_character(),
tax_status_current = col_character(),
year_founded = col_double(),
total_employees = col_character(),
budget_percent_editorial = col_character(),
budget_percent_revenue_generation = col_character(),
budget_percent_product_technology = col_character(),
budget_percent_administration = col_character(),
products = col_character(),
products_other = col_character(),
distribution = col_character(),
distribution_method_other = col_character(),
geographic_area = col_character(),
core_editorial_strategy_characteristics = col_character(),
core_editorial_strategy_characteristics_other = col_character(),
coverage_topics = col_character(),
coverage_topics_other = col_logical(),
underrepresented_communities = col_character(),
underrepresented_communities_not_listed = col_character(),
revenue_streams = col_character(),
revenue_stream_other = col_logical(),
revenue_stream_additional_info = col_logical(),
revenue_stream_largest = col_character(),
revenue_streams_largest_other = col_character(),
paywall_or_gateway = col_character(),
paywall_or_gateway_other = col_logical(),
advertising_products = col_character(),
advertising_product_other = col_logical(),
real_world_impacts = col_character(),
summary = col_character()
# Region Groupings (for grouping within the gt table)
west <-
"WA", "OR", "CA", "NV", "ID", "MT", "WY",
"CO", "UT", "AZ", "NM", "AK", "HI"
midwest <-
"ND", "SD", "NE", "KS", "MN", "IA", "MO",
"WI", "IL", "MI", "IN", "OH"
south <-
"TX", "OK", "AR", "LA", "MS", "TN", "AL",
"GA", "FL", "SC", "NC", "KY", "WV", "VA",
"MD", "DC", "DE", "PR"
northeast <- c("PA", "NY", "NJ", "VT", "MA", "CT", "RI", "NH", "ME")
canada <-
"BC", "AB", "SK", "MB", "ON", "QC", "NB",
"NS", "NT", "NL", "NU", "PE", "YT"
# Table transformation
news_orgs_summary <-
news_orgs %>%
filter(! %>%
filter(! %>%
filter(! %>%
publication_name, url, state, city,
year_founded, tax_status_current, primary_language
) %>%
mutate(region = case_when(
state %in% west ~ "West",
state %in% midwest ~ "Midwest",
state %in% northeast ~ "Northeast",
state %in% south ~ "South",
state %in% canada ~ "Canada"
)) %>%
mutate(tax_status_current = case_when(
tax_status_current == "For Profit" ~ "FP",
tax_status_current == "Not for Profit" ~ "NFP",
tax_status_current == "LLC" ~ "LLC",
grepl("benefit", tax_status_current) ~ "PBC",
TRUE ~ "Other"
)) %>%
mutate(primary_language = case_when( ~ "EN",
primary_language == "English" ~ "EN",
primary_language == "Spanish" ~ "ES",
grepl("English", primary_language) &
grepl("Spanish", primary_language) ~ "EN/ES",
TRUE ~ primary_language
# The gt table
news_orgs_summary %>%
gt(groupname_col = "region") %>%
columns = c(publication_name, url),
pattern = "{1}<br><span style='font-size:smaller'>{2}</span>"
) %>%
publication_name = "Publication",
primary_language = "Lang",
tax_status_current = md("Type of<br>Org."),
year_founded = md("Started<br>in")
) %>%
footnote = "Includes S corps, partnerships, 501c(3) entities,
and sole proprietors.",
locations = cells_body(
columns = tax_status_current,
rows = tax_status_current == "Other"
) %>%
cols_width(city ~ px(200)) %>%
style = cell_text(size = "smaller"),
locations = cells_body(columns = city)
) %>%
opt_all_caps() %>%
opt_table_font(font = google_font(name = "Karla"))
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