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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Script for checking static-edge status
# Credit where credit is due to Nathaniel Landau for the sweet little bash hacks (
bold=$(tput bold)
underline=$(tput sgr 0 1)
reset=$(tput sgr0)
purple=$(tput setaf 5)
red=$(tput setaf 1)
green=$(tput setaf 2)
tan=$(tput setaf 3)
blue=$(tput setaf 4)
e_header() { printf "\n${bold}${purple}========== %s ==========${reset}\n" "$@"
e_arrow() { printf "➜ $@\n"
e_success() { printf "${green}✔ %s${reset}\n" "$@"
e_error() { printf "${red}✖ %s${reset}\n" "$@"
e_warning() { printf "${tan}➜ %s${reset}\n" "$@"
e_underline() { printf "${underline}${bold}%s${reset}\n" "$@"
e_bold() { printf "${bold}%s${reset}\n" "$@"
e_note() { printf "${underline}${bold}${blue}Note:${reset} ${blue}%s${reset}\n" "$@"
check_site() {
e_header "Checking Site: $1"
CURL_COMMAND="curl -k -H 'Host:' https://$2/reports/"
echo ""
if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then
e_success "$1 responded"
e_error "abnormal response from $1"
echo ${tan}"Command: $CURL_COMMAND"${reset} ${green}"returned: $?"${reset}
echo ""
echo ${bold}${underline}${red}"Starting check of static-edge servers"${reset}
echo ${bold}${blue}"Checking round 1"${reset}
check_site "GEG" ""
check_site "ORD" ""
check_site "NYC" ""
echo ${bold}${blue}"Checking round 2"${reset}
check_site "LAX" ""
check_site "DFW" ""
check_site "ATL" ""
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