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Last active February 6, 2025 23:43
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JavaScript Trilateration
// Created by Derrick Cohodas (dav-)
// Based on the Python example by StackExchange user wwnick from
// Requires the Mathjs library -
var math = require('mathjs')
* Represents a coordinate with a distance
* @param {Number} lat Latitude
* @param {Number} lon Longitude
* @param {Number} dist Distance from [lat, lon] to some point in kilometers
var Beacon = function(lat, lon, dist) { = lat
this.lon = lon
this.dist = dist
return this
* Perform a trilateration calculation to determine a location
* based on 3 beacons and their respective distances (in kilometers) to the desired point.
* @param {Array} beacons Array of 3 Beacon objects
* @return {Array} Array of the format [latitude, longitude]
var trilaterate = function(beacons) {
// #assuming elevation = 0
var earthR = 6371e3
, rad = function(deg) {
return deg * (math.pi/180)
, deg = function(rad) {
return rad * (180/math.pi)
// #using authalic sphere
// #if using an ellipsoid this step is slightly different
// #Convert geodetic Lat/Long to ECEF xyz
// # 1. Convert Lat/Long to radians
// # 2. Convert Lat/Long(radians) to ECEF
var P1 = [ earthR *(math.cos(rad(beacons[0].lat)) * math.cos(rad(beacons[0].lon)))
, earthR *(math.cos(rad(beacons[0].lat)) * math.sin(rad(beacons[0].lon)))
, earthR *(math.sin(rad(beacons[0].lat)))
var P2 = [ earthR *(math.cos(rad(beacons[1].lat)) * math.cos(rad(beacons[1].lon)))
, earthR *(math.cos(rad(beacons[1].lat)) * math.sin(rad(beacons[1].lon)))
, earthR *(math.sin(rad(beacons[1].lat)))
var P3 = [ earthR *(math.cos(rad(beacons[2].lat)) * math.cos(rad(beacons[2].lon)))
, earthR *(math.cos(rad(beacons[2].lat)) * math.sin(rad(beacons[2].lon)))
, earthR *(math.sin(rad(beacons[2].lat)))
// #from wikipedia
// #transform to get circle 1 at origin
// #transform to get circle 2 on x axis
var ex = math.divide(math.subtract(P2, P1), math.norm( math.subtract(P2, P1) ))
var i =, math.subtract(P3, P1) )
var ey = math.divide(
math.subtract(P3, P1),
math.multiply(i, ex)
math.subtract(P3, P1),
math.multiply(i, ex)
var ez = math.cross(ex, ey)
var d = math.norm(math.subtract(P2, P1))
var j =, math.subtract(P3, P1))
// #from wikipedia
// #plug and chug using above values
var x = (math.pow(beacons[0].dist, 2) - math.pow(beacons[1].dist,2) + math.pow(d,2))/(2*d)
var y = ((math.pow(beacons[0].dist, 2) - math.pow(beacons[2].dist,2) + math.pow(i,2) + math.pow(j,2))/(2*j)) - ((i/j)*x)
// # only one case shown here
// I was having problems with the number in the radical being negative,
// so I took the absolute value. Not sure if this is always going to work
var z = math.sqrt( math.abs(math.pow(beacons[0].dist, 2) - math.pow(x, 2) - math.pow(y, 2)) )
// #triPt is an array with ECEF x,y,z of trilateration point
var triPt = math.add(
math.multiply(x, ex)
math.multiply(y, ey)
math.multiply(z, ez)
// #convert back to lat/long from ECEF
// #convert to degrees
var lat = deg(math.asin(math.divide(triPt[2], earthR)))
var lon = deg(math.atan2(triPt[1], triPt[0]))
return [lat, lon]
var beacons = [ new Beacon(35.000000, -120.000000, 189.419265289145)
, new Beacon(35.000005, -120.000010, 189.420325082156)
, new Beacon(35.000000, -120.000020, 189.420689733286)
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cfh463 commented Mar 27, 2018

Did you have much luck finding a solution that works well to calculate trilateration in JS

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seco35 commented Oct 4, 2018

We'd used this one, works perfect. You've an error with the earth radius though. It's in kilometers, it should be in meters. Instead of using var earthR = 6371 on line 32 use -> var earthR = 6371e3
and it works like charm!

Thank you so much for sharing this. It saved us a lot of work :)

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@seco35 Thanks! I've updated line 32 accordingly.

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