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Forked from PatrikFehrenbach/Amass Config
Created January 7, 2023 10:36
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# Copyright 2017-2020 Jeff Foley. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Should results only be collected passively and without DNS resolution? Not recommended.
#mode = passive
mode = active
# The directory that stores the Cayley graph database and other output files
# The default for Linux systems is: $HOME/.config/amass
#output_directory = amass
# Another location (directory) where the user can provide ADS scripts to the engine.
scripts_directory =/root/tools/scripts/
# The maximum number of DNS queries that can be performed concurrently during the enumeration.
#maximum_dns_queries = 20000
# DNS resolvers used globally by the amass package.
#monitor_resolver_rate = true
#resolver = ; Cloudflare
#resolver = ; Google
#resolver = ; Verisign
#resolver = ; Hurricane Electric
#resolver = ; Cloudflare Secondary
#resolver = ; Google Secondary
#resolver = ; Verisign Secondary
#resolver = ; Yandex.DNS Secondary
# The network infrastructure settings expand scope, not restrict the scope.
# Single IP address or range (e.g. a.b.c.10-245)
#address =
#cidr =
#asn = 26808
port = 80
port = 443
port = 8080
# Root domain names used in the enumeration. The findings are limited by the root domain names provided.
#domain =
#domain =
#domain =
#domain =
# Are there any subdomains that are out of scope?
#subdomain =
#subdomain =
# The graph database discovered DNS names, associated network infrastructure, results from data sources, etc.
# This information is then used in future enumerations and analysis of the discoveries.
#local_database = true ; Set this to false to disable use of the local database.
# postgres://[username:password@]host[:port]/database-name?sslmode=disable of the PostgreSQL
# database and credentials. Sslmode is optional, and can be disable, require, verify-ca, or verify-full.
#primary = false ; Specify which graph database is the primary db, or the local database will be selected.
#url = "postgres://[username:password@]host[:port]/database-name?sslmode=disable"
# MqSQL database and credentials URL format:
# [username:password@]tcp(host[:3306])/database-name?timeout=10s
#url = [username:password@]tcp(host[:3306])/database-name?timeout=10s
# Settings related to DNS name brute forcing.
#enabled = true
#recursive = true
# Number of discoveries made in a subdomain before performing recursive brute forcing: Default is 1.
#iminimum_for_recursive = 1
#wordlist_file =/root/50-wordlists/commonspeak2-wordlists/subdomains/subdomains.txt
#wordlist_file = /usr/share/wordlists/all.txt # multiple lists can be used
# Would you like to permute resolved names?
enabled = true
# edit_distance specifies the number of times a primitive edit operation will be
# performed on a name sample during fuzzy label searching.
edit_distance = 1 ; Setting this to zero will disable this expensive feature.
flip_words = true # ->
flip_numbers = true # ->
add_words = true # ->
add_numbers = true # ->
# Multiple lists can be used.
#wordlist_file = /usr/share/wordlists/all.txt
#wordlist_file = /usr/share/wordlists/all.txt
# When set, this time-to-live is the minimum value applied to all data source caching.
minimum_ttl = 1440 ; One day
# Are there any data sources that should be disabled?
#data_source = Ask
#data_source = Exalead
#data_source = IPv4Info
# Provide data source configuration information.
# See the following format:
#[data_sources.SOURCENAME] ; The SOURCENAME must match the name in the data source implementation.
#ttl = 4320 ; Time-to-live value sets the number of minutes that the responses are cached.
# Unique identifier for this set of SOURCENAME credentials.
# Multiple sets of credentials can be provided and will be randomly selected.
#apikey = ; Each data source uses potentially different keys for authentication.
#secret = ; See the examples below for each data source.
#username =
#password =
#apikey =
ttl = 10080
apikey =
#ttl = 4320
ttl = 10080
apikey =
secret =
ttl = 4320
#username =
#password =
#ttl = 4320
#apikey =
# Look here for how to obtain the Facebook credentials:
#ttl = 4320
ttl = 4320
apikey =
#apikey =
#ttl = 10080
#username =
#apikey =
apikey =
#apikey =
#ttl = 1440
#apikey =
ttl = 10080
apikey =
ttl = 4320
apikey =
# Provide your Twitter App Consumer API key and Consumer API secrety key
#apikey =
#secret =
#apikey =
#secret =
# The apikey must be an API access token created through the Investigate management UI
#apikey =
# URLScan can be used without an API key, but the key allows new submissions to be made
apikey =
#ttl = 10080
#apikey =
#ttl = 1440
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