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Created December 17, 2017 00:09
Truffle SingleMessage migration script
var SingleMessage = artifacts.require('../contracts/SingleMessage.sol');
module.exports = function(deployer, network, accounts) {
return liveDeploy(deployer, accounts);
async function liveDeploy(deployer, accounts) {
const initialMessage = "Hello world!";
const initialPriceInWei = 1;
const maxLength = 200;
console.log("Contract arguments: ", {
initialMessage: initialMessage,
initialPriceInWei: initialPriceInWei,
maxLength: maxLength
return deployer.deploy(SingleMessage, initialMessage, initialPriceInWei, maxLength).then(async() => {
const contract = await SingleMessage.deployed();
const message = await;
const priceInWei = await;
const maxLength = await;
console.log("public vars from contract: ", {
message: message,
priceInWei: priceInWei,
maxLength: maxLength
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