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Created May 24, 2019 12:38
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Finding blocked queries and their blockers in PostgreSQL
with blocked as (
SELECT pid AS blocked_pid
, usename AS blocked_username
, query AS blocked_query
, query_start AS blocked_start
, wait_event AS blocked_wait_event
, wait_event_type AS blocked_event_type
, unnest( pg_blocking_pids( pid ) ) AS blocked_by
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE cardinality( pg_blocking_pids( pid ) ) > 0
select blocked.*
, blocking.usename
, blocking.query
, blocking.query_start
, blocking.wait_event
, blocking.wait_event_type
, blocking.state
from blocked
join pg_stat_activity blocking on = blocked.blocked_by
order by query_start ;
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