#Login via HTTP JSON api to get JWT token
##Client does login request
POST https://myapplication.com/login, body: {username: 'richardgill', password: 'password'}
Server receives request. Takes credentials and checks they are correct.
Server uses secret key: "secretkey123!"
to generate a jwt token. (Using jwt library)
//See method at bottom
signJwtToken("secretkey123!", username)
returns {token: "jwtjwtjwt.tokentokentoken.hereherehere"}
Client saves the jwt token somewhere in the browser (e.g. local storage).
##Subsequent authenticated requests
All subsequent authenticated requests always pass the jwt token somewhere (http header is quite regular).
GET /accounts with header: "jwtjwtjwt.tokentokentoken.hereherehere"
Server receives request with header.
//Can throw
Map<String,Object> claims = verifyJwtToken(secret, jwtToken);
String username = claims.get("username");
//You now know they are definitely that username
//Go get customers if that username is allowed to.
##Helper functions (pseudo java based on jwt library)
//throws an exception if jwttoken not valid.
static public Map<String,Object> verifyJwtToken(secret, jwtToken) {
final JWTVerifier verifier = new JWTVerifier(secret);
return jwtVerifier.verify(jwtToken);
public static signJwtToken(secretKey, username) {
final String issuer = "https://mydomain.com/";
final long iat = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000l; // issued at claim
final long exp = iat + 60L; // expires claim. In this case the token expires in 60 seconds
final JWTSigner signer = new JWTSigner(secretKey);
final HashMap<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<String, Object>();
claims.put("iss", issuer);
claims.put("exp", exp);
claims.put("iat", iat);
claims.put("username", username);
return signer.sign(claims);