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Created April 2, 2020 15:05
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Deploying an ALB Ingress Controller in Amazon EKS


This repo is a documentation of steps taken to create an ALB Ingress Controller on Amazon EKS.


Create an EKS cluster.

eksctl create cluster \
  --managed \
  --name sandbox-cluster

Tag VPC subnets

The command above creates a VPC with 3 public subnets, and 3 private subnets. The ALB Ingress Controller will need to know which subnets any new ALB it creates should service. Normally these are the public subnets.

NOTE: Change sandbox-cluster to your cluster name if you changed it from above.

For all the subnets in the VPC, make sure they are tagged accordingly:

  • Key:
  • Value: shared

Identify the 3 public subnets in the VPC, and confirm they are tagged as well:

  • Key:
  • Value: 1

Identify the 3 private subnets so that Kubernetes knows it can use these for internal LBs, and confirm the following tag:

  • Key:
  • Value: 1

Create an IAM OIDC (Open ID Connect) provider

eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \
  --region <your-region> \
  --cluster sandbox-cluster \

Create an IAM policy for the ALB Ingress Controller

All actions performed in your AWS account are subject to IAM permissions, and your (eventual) ALB Ingress Controller is no exception. Before the controller can create ALBs on your behalf, it needs to be granted the appropriate permissions to do so.

In this step, we're creating an IAM policy with the sufficient permissions to do what the ALB Ingress Controller should be able to do (e.g. create ALBs).

We'll use this policy in later steps to grant permissions to the controller.

IMPORTANT: Note down the ARN of the policy that you create.

aws iam create-policy \
  --policy-name ALBIngressControllerPolicy \


Create a Kubernetes service account, cluster role, and role binding for our controller

We'll use these entities to attach the IAM policy above to our controller.

kubectl apply -f \

Create an IAM role and attach that to the service account above

Our service account above will assume this IAM role, which will then grant the permissions it holds onto whatever uses the service account.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
  --region ap-southeast-1 \
  --name alb-ingress-controller \
  --namespace kube-system \
  --cluster sandbox-cluster \
  --attach-policy-arn <the policy ARN from above> \
  --override-existing-serviceaccounts \

Deploy the ALB Ingress Controller

Finally, we deploy the actual controller into the cluster.

kubectl apply -f \

Edit the ALB Ingress Controller manifest

We'll need to configure the controller a bit more before it can run properly.

kubectl edit deployment.apps/alb-ingress-controller -n kube-system

In the editor that opens, add the --cluster-name=sandbox-cluster line to the manifest. If you are running your EKS cluster on Fargate, then you'll also need to add the --aws-vpc-id and --aws-region lines.

Your manifest should look something like this:

  - args:
    - --ingress-class=alb
    - --cluster-name=sandbox-cluster
    - --aws-vpc-id=vpc-03468a8157edca5bd    # :: only on Fargate
    - --aws-region=ap-southeast-1           # :: only on Fargate

Ensure the controller is running.

kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Deploy the 2048 game

for i in namespace deployment service ingress; do
  kubectl apply -f \$i.yaml

Get the ingress for the 2048 game

Wait a few minutes for the ALB to provision. Since this is the first time the ALB is being created, it'll take a few minutes for it to come online.

Additions to the ALB after this point should be much faster.

After a few minutes, get the ingress URL:

kubectl get ingress/2048-ingress -n 2048-game

And visit the URL specified by ADDRESS on your browser.


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